
An Unusual Day...

Only $3.97/gallon?! A whole tank of gas for under $50?? What?!One of the baby kitty-cats...

You can see a little black kitty sitting in the tree...
Aidan exploring...
A kind man offered to take our picture!

She stole my sunglasses=)
Under the bridge
The kids and I took a little stroll at this place called St. Joe's Walkway where they have a cat sanctuary. It's a place for stray cats to live in the wild and people leave food out for them. I'm not the biggest cat fan in the world but Evan loves it and it's situated in a really pretty setting so we go from time to time.

Then my boss got home early, like 3-hours early, which is really rare.

Zane had the day off so we got to spend the afternoon together, a crazy wonderful treat!

We went to the library together, Zane hasn't been since we moved to Florida!

I found "cheap" gas at Albertson's.

Zane decides we should go to the beach! (He claims he doesn't enjoy spending his free time outside in the heat because he works outside in it everday). So I jumped on this opportunity to go together. I usually have to go by myself!

Zane cooked dinner, (not so unusual), but we did try a new recipe called 'sweet & sour pork chops.'

I got inspired to take a run, and Zane agreed to come with. Ok, we NEVER exercise, you have to understand that. And then we ended up running 2.6 miles... UH-mazing for us!! Hopefully we can make a habit of it??!

It was a fantastic Monday!!


Summer Days...

Underneath their trampoline... In Aidan's new sandbox...

Evan & Aidan were playing outside yesterday so nicely and peacefully! Notice Evan's new smile??? She lost her first tooth!!! And her crazy eye makeup is due to a desire for "pretty eyes." And i'm not posting the pix of me after she got done "making me pretty." Ha!


Kids these days....Someone noticed my Seattle Seahawks shirt; she was from Seattle too!!
We went in only needing cream cheese and tomato soup, so whats all this???! Omigoodness, you have no idea how long we've been anticipating our Super Target's grand opening!!! We've been so deprived... and forced to shop at Wal-mart... eek! Anyway it's finally here and we're so happy!


What Do You Do When...

...it's raining and the baby is napping?!?!?! WELL THATS A NO BRAINER!!!!

Girls Day Out!

July 14, 2008Some of the very few professing kids in our "area"... AND everyone in this picture represents over 8-hours between Georgia and Melbourne, Florida!!! Growing up in Washington you never realize that places around the U.S. don't have "tons" of friends like we do at home, but obviously here in Florida our eyes have been opened!

Memory Lane

Coffee and a love for photos... some things never change!Supporting Heidi's days at Cal Poly!
Ridin' Amtrak train all the way to Cali!
Sunday mornin' with my little cousin...
It's amazing what you stumble across by accident...and all of the sudden your taken to a place tucked away in your memory. I found these pix on an online album sent by my cousins Ben & Sue and I just love these memories of San Luis Obispo, CA with my friend Laura! We are unbelievably young... like what 16... I can't believe it's been 5-years already!!!

Our Casa... continued...

The bathroom...The guestroom...
Patio off of our bedroom...
Flagler Beach on a rainy afternoon...
The Pier: 1.8 miles from our place...
It just disappears...



Smooches for my baby!Posin' on the escalator
Mirror picture of us
So Zane has been so excited for The Dark Knight ever since he heard of it's release. So I surprised him with sold-out tickets to the opening night at the IMAX theatre!! It was UH-MAZING!!!! And then he was kind enough to escort me to Mamma Mia later this weekend... Yes, we're a little obsessive about movies, we know. And now i've got ABBA on the brain...



I have to show-off "my babies" of course. Approximately Monday thru Friday, 7a.m. to 6p.m. they're all mine! I'm having one of those moments where I can't believe how fast time has gone, and it's making me a little sad but bottom line I just feel blessed to have had a part in their lives and am grateful for the time I have left with them until they move to Texas or Louisiana or wherever next year! I've had Aidan since he was 2-months old and now he is a year-and-a-half!!! And Evan is starting first grade this fall!! It's crazy!

Work'n at the Car Wash, oh, oh, yah, yah...!!!!

Pretty fancy eh?

Admit it, you'd love this handsome man to wash your car!! So Zane started his new second job today. He is a manager at Lowe's and now he is adding "V.S.A" aka "Vehicle Service Associate" aka a glorified title for "car-washer" to his resume. I'm nervous about spending even less time together and him being too tired...but I worked two jobs and 7-days a week for the first 10-months or so that we lived in Florida so I guess it's his turn yah? *Sigh* It's worth a try anyway right?! We can always use extra gas cash!


Omiword. I just realized that today is officially one-month away from the day I leave to go home to visit Washington state!!! If you really know me you know the love affair I have with the city of Seattle; it can really do no wrong in my eyes. I just happened to fall in love with a country boy that doesn't appreciate it... I'm also so so so psyched to have this opportunity to visit some of our family and friends. It's just been too long!!! AND... Zane gets to join me for a week while i'm there too!! It will have been a year and a half since he's been home... that's just crazy...we're so excited!!!

Our casa by the sea!

Our view from the sun room...
We rent the top floor. We were in the middle of moving here...
Just across the street from us...

"Man cannot discover new oceans until he has courage to lose sight of the shore." -Anonymous

We watched a fisherman catch this guy by accident...The question we get asked time after time is "Why Florida?" And really we don't have an exact answer for that. We like to think that Florida chose us. We looked literally all over the world for somewhere to go, and Florida just happened to be the first place where jobs opened up for us so here we are --some odd 3100 miles away from home. Moving across the United States was hands down the best decision we've ever made for ourselves not because there is anything so special about Florida but because we have been forced to lean "in" instead of "out" on everyone and everything familiar around us. I can tell you i've never felt so isolated and lonely in my entire life some days, but the growth we've experienced because of this move has been invaluable!

So basically...

...the point of this blog is to inspire me to write down more details and take more pictures. I'm crossing my fingers it works!

I love the way you make me laugh.

David O. Baldwin Photography. This photo was taken on the Big Island of Hawaii this past April at Zane's sister, Ashley's wedding. I love that this moment was captured between us.