
An Unusual Day...

Only $3.97/gallon?! A whole tank of gas for under $50?? What?!One of the baby kitty-cats...

You can see a little black kitty sitting in the tree...
Aidan exploring...
A kind man offered to take our picture!

She stole my sunglasses=)
Under the bridge
The kids and I took a little stroll at this place called St. Joe's Walkway where they have a cat sanctuary. It's a place for stray cats to live in the wild and people leave food out for them. I'm not the biggest cat fan in the world but Evan loves it and it's situated in a really pretty setting so we go from time to time.

Then my boss got home early, like 3-hours early, which is really rare.

Zane had the day off so we got to spend the afternoon together, a crazy wonderful treat!

We went to the library together, Zane hasn't been since we moved to Florida!

I found "cheap" gas at Albertson's.

Zane decides we should go to the beach! (He claims he doesn't enjoy spending his free time outside in the heat because he works outside in it everday). So I jumped on this opportunity to go together. I usually have to go by myself!

Zane cooked dinner, (not so unusual), but we did try a new recipe called 'sweet & sour pork chops.'

I got inspired to take a run, and Zane agreed to come with. Ok, we NEVER exercise, you have to understand that. And then we ended up running 2.6 miles... UH-mazing for us!! Hopefully we can make a habit of it??!

It was a fantastic Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhhhhhh I want to have a Monday like yours!! How amazing is that!! Sounds like your day was great..to be honest I was laughing about the whole running thing...didn't see that coming after dinner..but yep, surprise!!! =) Love it....keep it up...if you can get my bro to go, then your on a roll chick!!! I'm with ya on cats too....might get hives from them too! ha ! Have an amazing Tuesday tooooo! LOVE YA!
