

I started a diet. Up to 120. Ugh.

I was informed that my transmission is on "borrowed time."

I hate cars.

I want chocolate.

I found out I get to keep being "Nana" for awhile as Evan & Aidan aren't moving to Lousiana in March anymore!

I heart these kind of surprises.

I learned I do have a little will-power deep within myself.

I saw a pod of whales across the street from my house!

Watching whales makes me feel giddy!

My father-in-law turns 50 today!

My little Ben & Emma are moving to Singapore next month!

It's been confirmed: my transmission is officially shot, unless I want to drive my car between 0 & 30 mph forever. Tempting but no...

Anyone want to buy an '03 Oldsmobile Alero?? Hee hee.

No chocolate for three whole days. Wow.


  1. Ah...roller coaster weeks are kinda exhausting. That is SO amazing that you saw whales so close to your house! Incredible creatures!! I'm so happy that you get to keep your kiddos for a little while longer. I second your hatred for cars..sorry to hear about the transmission. :(. As for diets... they are no fun, but you're going to feel better, good for you for starting! I completely relate to your parting words " No chocolate for Three whole days. WOW". You should be proud of that because being a semi-chocolate fanatic myself...I'M IMPRESSED! What am I saying... "semi" no... theres no partial about it with me. I'm a full on chocolate fanatic, which is unfortunate when looking to stop eating it. Good luck babe! Love you bunches! (sorry for the book here..)

  2. Ohhhh chick, I just love you & all your randomness!! =) It's simply the BEST!! Agree with you on the diet, we are hitting the gym like mad monkeys! Gotta stop the bum from doing the jiggle! Lucky you for seeing a pod of whales, things like that are amazing huh?!?! Kick the car in the boot & buy some roller blades, I hear that are very easy to use!! HA, not!!! =) Maybe a little bike, with a side cart for the kids??! Ohhhh the possibilities! Love ya heaps!!

  3. O.k., Ash and Ashley both shared some inspiring thoughts for you, and I enjoyed reading their thoughts along with your own...like I say...you need to WRITE...nannying is o.k. though for now....but keep thinking about it o.k.?!!!!

    Wondering how the ol' diet is going. I think you'll be calling me tomorrow about that. Glad I could share in your excitement about the whales....you really did get some GOOD pictures for not having a Pro pro camera....it's good enough for who it's for (where'd you hear that one from?) I'm sorry about your car...Derek said he and Harv tried to help you on that issue...cars are a pain...sometimes you can't live with them, but mostly we can't live without them :-) I guess it'd be better on our figures if we didn't have them though....like in the old days...you'll have to check my blog of the ghost town we visited today...."those were the days 'my friend...we thot they'd never end....." I think I still prefer the NOW-A-DAYS thank you very much! Love you, mama
