
thinking out loud

"it has taken me such a long time to realize that few things in life are simple, that so many things are mixed. a bit of this alongside a bit of that. good & evil dancing with each other so tightly, only one subatomic particle between them, while indifference looks on, as a chaperone, with her two lazy eyes, neither one of them capable of focusing. they dance so fast, good & evil, these two polar opposites. so tightly & furiously. you can't dance with just one of these partners. if you cut into their dance, you end up with both, as a threesome. and if you fear cutting into the dance and taking a spin with good & evil, you end up dancing with the cross-eyed, ugly chaperone." -excerpt from Carlos Eire's: Waiting for Snow in Havana.

this caught my attention last night when i read it. remembering again how familiar i am with all things complicated. the opposite of simple. feeling thankful for recent conversations between friends who encourage us & remind us that we're not perfect. & that's ok -as long as we get back up & try again. so here's to getting back up & walking in a new direction -towards the few simplicities in life, the things that are black & white. & leaving those complicated shades of grey behind us.


  1. Wow that is some powerful writing!! I'm intrigued...is it recommendable for my list of books to read once I can actually allow myself to read again?
    Appreciate what you said as well. I feel like I need to remind myself daily, each day more than ever before...that perfection is an unreasonable standard to hold for ourselves 100% of the time, but what matters is that we're simply willing to keep standing. It all really is, like you said-complicated shades of grey that are better let go than held on to.

  2. O.K., "amen" to Ashlee's agreement and words of wisdom and what you shared...I'll only make a mess if I try to add more, so once again, amen... :-)
