
My Saturday

I was up before the sun. It's been awhile since i could say that. Too long.

It was unseasonably cool- North Face jacket weather to be exact. By late morning i was sweating in my tank top & it was too late to notice i was getting baked. There is something happy tho, about the first good burn of the season.

I fixed a pot of coffee for the first time since moving in. The coffee pot was still shoved in a top kitchen shelf, reminding me that im really not much of a home coffee drinker. It added a nice homey smell to a space that is still gaining "homey" status.

Our across-the-street neighbor, Natalee came over for support & pumpkin muffins. Her husband, Bud came over more times then necessary to make sure i didnt need help with any heavy lifting & to make sure hagglers werent taking advantage of me. They have the sweet neighbors gig down to a tee.

Our other neighbors, George & Gladys, or who z&i call "the canadians" came over for a formal introduction. They told me we live in Buella's house. It was sweet to have a name for the woman who loved this house before us, actually from it's beginning all the way thru her old age.

Later, i met one of the biggest spiders that i think i've ever seen, easily the size of my palm. I killed it with a hardbound michael connelly novel. Then i watched the ants come devour the free buffet.

I talked to my best friend about epic reunion plans for late this summer.

All while happily watching our junk walk away in the hands of strangers.

What didnt sell, i drove to Goodwill, the cherry on my hot fudge sundae... Felt so cleansing.

When Z came home from work we gave the house its first good bath. Like as in the hands & knees grout scrubbing variety. And we hung our first picture which seemed like the perfect way to celebrate our one-month anniversary of being homeowners. I must admit, this whole slow move in process was working all my nerves in the beginning but i have grown to love it. It has been a beautiful slow dance, the house & us, taking our time getting to know one another.

I baked a turkey casserole box dinner & corn muffins & threw together a ceasar salad mix a week past its sell-by date & we ate outside in our rocking chairs.

All in all, a very peaceful day. The kind that remind me that life at its core, tho sometimes rough around the edges, is indeed good.


  1. Somehow I missed the "OFFICIAL" homeowner post! Congrats!!

  2. Wow I never would have been able to kill a spider that big. You're brave!
