

i have been trying to work out more. surprisingly- working in a gym makes it a whole lot harder to find motivation to come back on your off hours & inflict pain on your body then i ever dreamed it would be. you'd think it would be inspiring, but not so much.  just triples the amount of guilt you feel for not doing anything to make your body healthier than you ever felt before you worked at a gym.  brutal, i'm telling you what.  anyway yesterdays efforts had my alarm going off at 4:30am for a 5:30am spin class. i had no idea what i was walking into- i had a faint idea that there would be resistance training/simulations of climbing hills, etc. but i was not prepared for my rear-end to not stay planted on the 'saddle' the entire time.  instead there would be a killer series of resistance pedaling & then essentially 'jogging' by standing & pedaling instead of sitting & pedaling.  never ever saw that one coming.  needless to say my quads are screaming at me today. 

& then since i had the day off today i decided to go the yoga class. i was in the mood for some mind-calming activity & stretching & it wasn't until mid-morning so no alarm clocks would be necessary.  seemed relatively painless to me, and definitely helped the guilt subside.  so i arrived.  & today of all the days, the instructor is a no-show.  i was so bummed.  so one of the personal trainers tells me he has time on his hands, & that if i want he can run me thru some circuits. i jump at the chance.  30-minutes later i'm curled up in a pitiful ball of exhaustion & mr. PT is clearly amused & satisfied with his handiwork.  so much for calm & painless.

it's one of those things- tho you might not be able to squat down to pick something off the floor to save your life, it will not be regretted. & i'm hoping i don't give in now. cheers for a 2-day streak- here's to more gym days...


  1. Oh, my girls and exercise...I'm so happy to see you wanting to get it and even KNOW how good it is for you, yet to stay motivated for more than a few days at a time is another story...but you are doing so much better with your consistency. I actually know the "burn of the buns" you're talking about...it's definitely NO piece of cake...that pain is beyond pain!!! Please keep up the good work...it'll certainly pay off in the long run! Go, girl, Go!

  2. Yay for you!! I seriously need to get my sagging rear back to the gym!! :) It's been too long!

  3. Kudos to you using your muscles! Can't say as I've done any of that lately! The weather has let me down and the last thing I want to do to my electric bill is open the window so I can use my treadmill!! I've been baking cookies, though, so does that count! I don't actually eat many of them, but the ones I'm going to work on today may just change that!! Gingerbread biscotti and jamboree jumbles with browned butter glaze! YUM!

  4. I love the little spurts of energy where you feel motivated to work out. Hoping to spark one for myself. I went earlier this afternoon, and the plan is to hit it hard the next few days before I go back to work.
    Thanks for the insight on cycle class...I'm thinking I might break down and try one for once..I've always been intimidated by the cylcers...

  5. Double cheers for the couple days you squeezed in.
