

sunday was spent entirely on friendship & fellowship. 

we dressed in matchy little nerdy christmas outfits.  got called "elfs." texted mom & she told me she couldn't wait til we dress our children in nerdy matchy x-mas outfits someday.  (except it won't be nerdy, it will be adorable).  & we can't wait either mom.

walked into a room stuffed full of visitors & new people from all over the world.

spent a long afternoon sharing in homemade dinnner, sweets, taboo (the game), laughter, piano playing & getting to know "the canadians" better.  

a friend playing coldplay on piano is just plain delightful.

an evening visit with Gladys, always an encouragement.

yummy pizza out with zaner.

coming home to a quiet house. finishing our dominoes game. snuggling. sleepytime..


  1. Sounds great! Thanks for the Holiday greetings!! Sure wish there was a picture of you two in your outfits!! :) Joe absolutely refuses to dress matchy with me... no matter how hard I try! At least my kids don't/can't protest yet! :)

  2. Yes, I'm waiting for the pictures of you two all dressed-up in those Sunday duds. thanks for the visuals...love to read about them but also like to SEE them too. Love ya...

  3. I really wish I could see the cute matching outfits. The day sounds amazing.
