
reasons to smile in no particular order

#1 this flower shop sign:

#2 being a priority club member: who doesn't like their name in the lobby of a hotel?!

#3 the bluegrass channel on our xm radio.  many a comical images are conjured up the second i hear banjo picking.  it just tickled me further when zane sang a whole entire verse of a song before the singer did.  & he loved every second of my quizzical/amused, "how did you know that!?" look.

#4 when i voice my to-do list out loud & zane surprises me later & says, "hey just to let you know i did such & such this morning."  wow. great feeling.

#5 having a completed room.  transferring from that just moving in feeling to a 'this is home now' feeling.

#6 my december 2008 washington calendar from my gramma with the night leavenworth winter scene. so lovely.
 #7 my new pink peacoat from ross. only $18. kids section, size xl. the sleeves are supposed to be long sleeved, but they are more like 3/4 length on me. & i just adore it.

#8 bob's flowers. his wife & daughter put all the flowers from his funeral out on the front porch & told us that after meeting we should pick a bouquet to take home with us because bob liked flowers in the house. & he use to bring his wife flowers home every friday. & even tho it's making me cry to write this- it makes me smile too.

#9 the librarian told us we could pay our late fees in non-perishable food! so awesome.


  1. Love your list of reasons to smile. Nice to have a few reminders sometimes.

  2. Adorable jacket, although it sounds like you hardly need it!!:) Beautiful flowers...sounds like he was a really sweet guy.

  3. Thanks for sharing your "smiley" list, I like it...cute jacket too. I forgot to mention in the earlier blog about your bed height. I'm surprised that it is as high as it is...it looks just perfect.
