
x-mas day

christmas was totally low-key.
we slept in.
grabbed eggnog lattes & caramal apple spice's at starbucks.
ate a late breakfast at denny's & watched lots of cute kids in their christmas pajamas.
came home & took cat naps.
read books curled up on the couch.
read books in our rocking chairs on our patio.
watched a comedy.
cooked a ridiculous sized dinner for the 2 of us. ham, au gratin potatoes, scalloped corn, rolls & a mini-layered salad.
we enjoyed texts & phone calls to & from friends & family.  & the line of christmas cards (& pix on fridge!) that has grown a little longer everyday.
it wasn't a normal christmas, our first totally & completely just the two of us. but it was pretty great all the same.


  1. Glad it was an enjoyable day! Thought of you and thanks for the text! :)
