
forever young, ok maybe not, but always kids at heart

it was a typical night. both of us were home from work, winding down from the day- zane much faster than i. nothing unusual there.  i incorporate things like scrubbing my face & taking vitamins- things that zane can't be bothered with.  this particular night, the messy apartment was particularly distracting.  so many undone things swirling around my head. 

take out the clothes i need to drop off at the dry cleaners/go thru my closet one more time to see if i missed anything i need to take to lucy the clothes alterer/see what bills are due (or overdue?)/go thru SKIRT! & cut out the articles i want to save/put away the dishes/make sure j&j don't need to go potty one more time (if i take them out late enough, will they sleep in later?)/make sure there aren't wet clothes in the washer/hang up my clean clothes/fold clean clothes in dryer/spray downey wrinkle releaser on outfit for tomorrow/sort out dirty laundry (perhaps see my carpet?)/wonder if the dishes are clean or dirty/secretly hope that the vet doesn't cost a fortune tomorrow/fret that junebug has fleas/take out garbage that is accumulating..... and on & on................ 

my to-do list gets to be so long from procrastinating & being tired from long work days that i just can't even get myself to do anything & then it keeps me awake at night because my brain feels as cluttered as my home.

so meanwhile zane was tucked into bed almost sleep, snuggled in with the pooches & i tapped him on the shoulder. i ask: "have you taken your sleepy pills yet?" he says no.  sweet!

sooo do you want to go out with me?

& just like that he got up like he'd just woken up, ready to take on another day.  he walked out the living room & turned up owl city on the stereo while i ate some fruity pebbles. then we grabbed the dogs & took them for a ride.  we decided to rent the princess & the frog.

it's times like these that i have to pinch myself.  we act like teenagers, yet, we get to be married & play house too.  it's sooooo rad.


  1. Jealous! I'm to the point where I don't even know what people do when they don't have school. What do they procrastinate from doing? Shows how closed minded 15 years of school has made me.

  2. I have to laugh when I read about your gazillion things ruminating through your mind...however, I just have to "DO IT" or do them or else I can't sleep! The clutter around me is a sign of clutter inside of me and I don't need it, that's why I'm such a "clutter freak" and hate to have anything out of place, but you already know that about me! lol If stuff is an absolute mess and clutter all about I start feeling groucy and just can't function. Unfortunately, I feel that way about other people too and then it becomes my problem, because many people don't mind living in a dump or a pig-sty, but it's beyond me that people do actually live that way and it bugs the day lights out of me. Thats what I have and DO still tell all of you kids...you can live anyway you want, but when it's in my house, its another story...clean it up once in awhile! :-) Then I get grumpy kids mad at me for being so dithered about it. Anyway, glad you feel like you do, it'll keep you 'saner' w/ 'zaner' if you stay on-top of it all!

  3. Been away from blogging for a while, so I'm catching up... What a fun way to spend the evening!!! I mean what came after all the yucky chores were done... but sometimes that makes the fun stuff that much better!

  4. Sounds like an awesome night of randomness. Those are the best. Nice to get away from the to-do lists of life at least for a couple hours.
