
the last song/tybee island

ash & i both loved the last song, as i've well covered. so we thought it would be fun to explore the locations where they filmed the movie.  we didn't know how much we'd actually be able to find... but were happy with our discoveries!  we found the church, the cottage, the pier/boardwalk & the "record shop" (actually a knick knack tourist shop) they used.

** we also got to see terra cotta the boutique i so wanted to see.  it was a cute store indeed, but i was disappointed because there weren't any vintage pieces like i'd anticipated.  my cam had died at this point in the day, so no pix either.


  1. Yes, I loved the book "the last song"...so to see actual pictures of the church and stuff they used in the movie is kind of cool...it's funny how you visualize things when you're reading about them, but usually somewhat different when you see what they use for the movie or in reality. It was a great book, also, just finished "the lucky one" which was good...NOW, the thimble will even have more meaning knowing the background a little bit and seeing pictures of the area. Thanks soooooo much.

  2. So going back and watching the movie again it was awesome to be able to really imagine it and almost BE there. It was cool. Too bad we didn't get pix of the Terra Cotta Boutique too- that was the cutest place ever.
