

so milltown #2, 2009 was my second ever tent experience. i have been craving one ever since we moved to florida, but unfortunately the creepy crawlies overrule all my desires so... i was bound & determined to make it happen this trip home. & we did. & it didn't disappoint. we had a ridiculous amount of stuff as you can see. my grandparents & i were joking that i may have to have a garage sale so i could fit it all inside this tent, but we made it fit & it was cozy. being on florida-time rocked too because we would easily wake up at 5:30 every morning for hot showers & then go back & take a nap until 7:30 breakfast. the cool crispy air + the sound of silence + the pacific NW views + the fellowship & friendship of our friends & family present with us equaled absolute perfection.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for capturing your "setting" there at Milltown on pictures...I'm so visual, makes it more real to me.
