
my bridge.

it's not famous. it doesn't have historical significance. it's not widely recognized in photos. it's just my bridge. the one that still makes me feel giddy when i get to the highest point & begin to see the ocean come into view & i know i'm close to home. it's the one that dots the night sky with lights, that i can see from our back patio. it's the one that all the locals pull over on & watch the shuttle launches. it's the one that get's covered in cones the weekend of the july 4th so visitors can't park on the bridge. it's the one that makes me feel both envious & sorry for those i see running or biking up it. & where it's normal to see coaches equipped with clipboards & stop watches & a single file line of boys & girls shining with sweat running ahead of them. & also the moms & stroller's & the ladies jogging & jabbering. the one's you always see & think: "i should do that." it's the bridge i know i'm going to miss someday.


  1. Thanks for sharing about "your" bridge...you really caught the view that is so perfect coming over the crest and seeing Flager and the ocean...didn't know you had such an attachment to it, but the way you explained it, I know why now............ :-) :-)

  2. Gotta love our local, and more accurately, personal landmarks.
