
Johnny's Security Blanket

Johnny use to be Sal, and Sal came with this blanket, which his previous care-takers said brought him comfort.  And it did.  He loved to lay down & rest midst the smells of the familiar. 

We wonder a lot about what he must think.  We've been told that dogs are pretty adaptable, and we hope it's true because he was tragically ripped from his old life, and it must have been so confusing.  We know he came from a family that adored him, and treated him like a king & then one sad day, a terrible car accident took away their ability to care for their own needs, let alone his.  Hence his new home with us. 

We jokingly imagine if dogs went to therapy that Johnny would be there for his abandonment issues. 

Fast forward a few months & that blanket lays abandoned in the hallway.  Now he chooses the top of the couch pretty much over any other place in the house, preferably buried under a fleece blanket or two.

It warms my heart to know he loves his new home here with us. 


  1. hehe. Dog therapy. And we're not talking for people. I like that idea. Poor Johnny. Thank goodness he's got you two. A lucky dog I say.

  2. Aww! He sounds well loved and like he has no abandonment issues at all... He has the security of you guys now and doesn't need his blanket anymore!! :) Sounds like a happy dog to me!

  3. Oh he is soooooo well loved......you two way over make-up for any love lost! Both those dogs are soooooo sweet and loved!
