
A word on humor

It was one of those magical moments where i was bursting at the seams to show Zane something funny & i just knew he would think it was funny too.  i adore that moment where you're waiting anxiously for them to read the punch line & then the immense joy you feel when you finally hear that familiar laughter you knew was coming...  aw...such a good feeling.  To be on the same humor wave-length is so necessary.   


  1. I totally agree and love your description of that!! So fun to share humor! We love Pearls (although I have to admit that we haven't thought it was as funny as in the past!)and this is a great one!... It was Pearls you were looking at right?! Wouldn't it be funny if you were totally looking at a different comic! :)

  2. Omg I soo know what you're talking about. It is like the most rewarding feeling in the world when Luke laughs at something funny I say (I seem to think I'm way funnier than he does). It's those moments that we cherish most :)
