

people always looks at our fridge & all the pics when they come over, many times they have been people we don't know well.  people always ask who such & such is, and i'll tell them. and every.single.time. they always skip the picture of landon, even if they ask about pics of other kids on our fridge.  it's almost become this silent game i play with myself to see if they'll ask- as weird as that sounds, but it's just happened enough times that it's almost too weird to be a coincidence.  i have had a few occasions where people have literally asked me about every single picture on my fridge EXCEPT landon's, people who wouldn't even know to avoid asking about the picture.  in my silly little mind, i tell myself that God is protecting me.  
it's complicated, how do i even explain this.  
i have never ever hid my son from anyone, if they ask, i'm happy to tell them about him, and even sometimes when they don't ask.   all the same, bringing up such a heavy topic is not what i like to serve after dessert. so until a more logical answer surfaces, i'm just going to continue to believe that God is protecting me in this matter.   


  1. Aw,I absolutely love this picture showing the smattering of your life. I think that should be an opening question for a get-to-know you thing-- "what's on your fridge" Tells a lot about a person in a subtle way. Aw, he's the cutest kid EVER, I don't think I've seen that pic. I know you're not looking for an explanation but I wish I had one for you simply because it seems like a scenario that would be both frustrating & somehow relieving at the same time. That sounds weird maybe, but what I mean is, sometimes it's like something you want to wear on your sleeve & need for people to know because it such a huge part & you want to share it. So it becomes frustrating when people don't recognize that, but at the same time it's so close to your heart that like you say- the feeling of protection at times comes when people don't bring it up because some days it could be easy to roll off your shoulders while others it could be the last straw so to speak..and sometimes you yourself don't even know if it's a roll-off-the shoulders day or a last straw sorta day until someone puts it out there. I dunno thats just me though. And I'm talking the universal-you (or maybe I'm talking more about myself?) not the You-you... I like that thought of God protecting. Love you!

  2. Aren't the games we play with ourselves interesting... I like the thought of God protecting you... A nice way to treat those moments when you wonder why people don't ask!

  3. Well, you know why I didn't ask you...I didn't need to and I adore Landon and I adore you...but thats just a known without even having to be spoken. One thing ashley said: "what's on your fridge" tells a lot about a sperson in a subtle way...I kinda laughed because my main fridge I have NOTHING on the front of it because I don't like the clutter...however, I have an "out" because I have the fridge in the laundry room that I have ALL kinds of pictures on...that I love....I can have all the messiness I want in there! I have on there people that are special...thats why you and Zane are there and Landon and lots of other peoples!!!!

  4. It's because he's so cute that the people looking at his picture become speechless.....
