
craving winter

the other night i was just mindlessly walking out my front door to go downstairs and fulfil the innocent task of changing out our load of laundry from the washer to the dryer, not at all realizing a deep need in me was about to be rudely awakened...and then i was blasted with the most intoxicating wonderful smell i could ever dream of smelling... someone in our neighborhood was using a wood-burning stove and the smoke had filled the crisp night air. i almost died and went to heaven. the whole quintessential fantasy of winter obviously does not exist in florida and i never dreamed i would literally ache for it. now i feel like a crack fiend. except instead of dope, it's cozy log cabins in a secluded woods, sitting in hot-tubs while it snows, snuggling by a fireplace with a mug of hot spiced apple cider... i actually get grumpy when it's sunny with clear blue skies and temperatures in the 70's. i mean, doesn't the weather know it's november??? yes i know, i do feel guilty, people pay to visit places like florida to escape their winters... but i'm even considering letting go of my 'rule' of waiting to pull out the x-mas decorations and the x-mas music until after thanksgiving in hopes of easing the pain...and in my car i have a cd of hawaiian music that i listen to while i blast my a/c so i can pretend i'm on vacation when i drive by palm trees seen thru essential sunglasses because the sun is so bright. *sigh* it's admittingly pathetic that pretending to be on vacation makes the lack of winter easier to deal with than enjoying the reality of wearing t-shirts and visiting the beach in november. i'm going to regret this post someday i bet.


  1. oooooooo, I know exactly how you feel...ditto! I've been having lots of winter fantasies...i've been drinking lattes and hot choclate even though it's sunny and warm out...cuddling up in front of fireplace sounds heavenly...and everyone in this household thinks i'm listening to x-mas music wayyyyy too early, but I love it! you should definitely break your rules because it puts me in such a good mood!

  2. Yeppers...I'd love to be sitting in front of a wood fireplace with snow falling lightly on a winter's night...but no such luck for that in Arizona anymore than in Florida. I love sunshine...but I do long for some true winter...not just rain and gray...but REAL snow and real fires in a fireplace and I love the Christmas music and the pretty lights. It's o.k. to feel the longing... :-)

  3. Your a nut case!! And yes..you may regret it someday!! ha! I totally know how you feel, missing out on the 'winter' weather! Our 'winters' are just likes yours...just some rain..but still pretty darn nice! But I do know the feeling of missing that 'cozy cold day' where you have a really good reason to snuggle up to your love & sip coco with them...! Kind of hard with sweat dripping down between you two! ha! Christmas is always hard over here, as it's sooo hot and sunny and in the middle of our summer. And people just don't get it...everyone is in the 'festive' mood..and singing 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas'...and I keep thinking...ummmm yep, totally not the same! Guess we are just the lucky ones who got stuck on those 'never ending holidays' & have to 'travel' to the winter weather..darn! =)
