
Johnny & June

Thanks Ashlee, for inspiring me to do this froofy little activity and overanalyze myself! Hee hee

  1. I'm drawn to the color red when it comes to accessories, especially shoes.
  2. I feel my most comfortable self on grey rainy days.
  3. I'm not exactly sure why, but we've always had a baby boy name established, and it's Tristan Noah.
  4. I have a fantasy of raising free-spirited children in wild Alaska.
  5. I also have a fantasy of living on a houseboat in Seattle for a few months.
  6. I have an interest in writing, and plan to take creative writing classes someday. My wildest career dream would be to write for a travel magazine.
  7. I rarely listen to a song for more than 30-seconds (when i'm driving) before I have to switch to another one. It's a terrible and annoying habit.
  8. I tear up over the slightest thing. And if there is anything around me to do with a baby being born, or mentally handi-capped children, or U.S. troops or love stories, forget it, my cheeks are going to be wet.
  9. We could easily part with just about anything in our house (except for photos of course), but the one thing we agree we just cannot part with is our mattress. It gives us the most beautiful sleep ever.
  10. I have the opposite problem of a packrat. I can't keep stuff. I feel so satisfied and cleansed when I recycle, donate or just plain toss things out.
  11. Eat. Pray. Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is easily my favorite book. And I am on cloud nine over the thought of possibly meeting her at the end of the month!
  12. I think trains are awesome! I use to take the train from Seattle to Wenatchee all the time to visit Ash and Lace. And I took an unforgettable trip from Seattle to California by train with Laura once. And I took a trip from California to Oregon once with my Dad. And my Mom and I took trains all over Europe the summer I graduated. I love train trips! Zane has never been. Can't wait to change that.
  13. Design-wise Zane and I disagree on everything. I love all things retro; old cars, old camper trailers, old telephones, old refrigerators. Zane loves all things new; and he loves white while I love color. He would prefer everything be clean, classy and minimal like a 5-star hotel. Lets just say i'm so proud of our compromising abilities, hee hee.
  14. My Mom gave me this great book called: The Five Love Languauges. It's so insightful. I discovered I feel most loved when Z is spending quality time with me, not just being in the same room together, but engaging in quality conversation, and he feels most loved when he is being touched, especially thru massages. He is such a sucker for head rubs=) It's an easy read, and I would recommend it for all couples.
  15. I'm really intrigued by Bikram Yoga, am looking into trying it...hearing lots of good things.
  16. I can't seem to get enough of Thai food.
  17. It's been fun to daydream with Jason and Dani lately about going into the cabinentry business together someday...maybe we could get Z to move to Seattle? Ha... wouldn't that be funny!
  18. I'm in serious need of a 'girls' day. Hate that Florida is so far away on these days.
  19. We want two dogs in the future. A weiner dog named Johnny and a big protective type dog named June.
  20. Speaking of guilt... I wish I could get rid of it. I'm tired of it. It stops me from establishing healthy boundaries with people. It's something I have to work on everyday.
  21. Zane is entertaining a new idea of going into firefighting. Honestly this idea makes me feel much better than him being a life-flight helicopter pilot. Flying makes me nervous. Obviously fighting fires has it's own real dangers so maybe it's weird that I feel 'better' about it than flying.
  22. I can't wait to go back to school, I feel so ready to be a student again!
  23. Today is my Dad's 49th birthday!=)
  24. Laughing with my husband is my favorite thing.
  25. I can't help but feel thankful and lucky to live the life I live. It may not be perfect but i'm more than o.k. with that.


  1. 1- theres something about red.... :)
    2- a seattle girl at heart.
    3- I love the name Tristan noah :)
    5- That sounds amazing! I wonder if you would get sea-sick. I mean.. if I did I wonder if I would. you know what i mean.
    6- AH!!! I would love to write a column in a magazine. It would so stress me out, but IF I could somehow get past that and let GO.. it sounds like it would be so amazing.
    7- Hahahaha... I have often contemplated how useful it would be to just make 30 second songs for myself.... :) Think of it.. my CDs would have so much more variety and room for more songs!! :)
    10- I have definitely noticed your minimilist tendencys. I wish I had some of them.
    11- You are meeting her!!!?!?!
    12- I have great memories of trains... all because of you my dear. It always meant you were coming. :) and once in awhile that I was going to visit you :)
    14- I READ THAT BOOK, and I completely agree. It changed my whole perspective about myself and my relationship at the time. too bad we broke up 2 weeks later, couldnt be put to good use.
    15- hmm I've never heard of it that type of yoga. I studied like 5 different kinds in theology though.
    16- Thai food=YUM
    18- ME TOO. I'M DYING OVER HERE for a day with you. When I have money.... seriously. I'm there.
    20- agh. guilt is going to be the death of me.
    22- :) funny how that is. I'm so ready to be out of school.
    24- Good, I'm glad you and zane make each other laugh :)
    25- :) happy to hear about your happiness.

    Hope you didnt mind me commenting like this.

  2. O.K., I won't leave you 25 responses but that was a fun way to not only read yours but Ashlee's responses...Most of this stuff I knew, but it's fun to see it all in a list...25 cool things about my daughter...thanks for sharing...I wrote my 25 things on my facebook, and you know what, I think I could start over and write 25 NEW things too...strange, I am! Loved reading your though. Love you, mama

  3. love reading this. i'm looking more and more forward to someday when we get to spend some time getting to know eachother...! - tam
