
meet my husband

found this- thought it'd be fun.

What is his name? Zane
How long did you date? 13-months
How long have you been married? 2.5 years
Who eats more sweets? me, hands down. i absolutely have to have my chocolate!
Who said I love you first? kind of at the same time, we were feeling each other out, and we were terrified!! everything happened so fast. it just didn't seem possible that this could be happening... and it still seems bananas to us. but here we are, almost 4-years of togetherness, crazy out of our minds in love.
Who is taller? he's got a good 8 or so inches on me.
Who is a better singer? we're both horrible. we had the hilarious experience of having to lead the singing one night at bible study. and it was just the two of us, and one other 90-year-old lady. it was really really bad.
Who is smarter? he is, definitely.
Who does the laundry? we both do. he carries it up/down our two-flights of stairs while i fold em and put it away.
Who pays the bills? i do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? i do. i scare easy and sleeping by the door feels icky.
Who mows the lawn? we rent, therefore we don't mow!
Who cooks dinner? lately...whatever restuarant we decide to dine at... lol. zane does most of the cooking at home tho.
Who drives? whoever. we drive pretty equally.
Who is more stubborn? Zane for sure. i give in at the drop of a hat. and he knows it.
Who kissed who first? he kissed me. actually he kissed my hair first, lol -the wind decided to pick up right at that moment so he got a mouthfull of my hair. everyone should be kissed by the love of their life in the middle of no-where, on a farm, on a summer night.
Who asked who out? he did. after he kissed my hair.
Who is more sensitive? i am for sure. he is way level-headed while i am 'passionate' shall we call it. laughing, bawling, yelling, anything i'm feeling is out there for everyone to see! i have no ability to hide anything.
Who wears the pants? zane definitely has the final say. i put my two-cents in tho until he puts his foot down.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing some more details of your dating days and on into the current parts of your life! I love these kinds of lists!
