
Currently Reading...

Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy by Carlos Eire. "My" coffee shop was doing a book club discussion on this book yesterday -sad to have missed it, but glad nevertheless to have been introduced to a good read I may not have thought twice about otherwise. Of course i'm drawn to all things pertaining to Latin/Hispanic/Spanish cultures so my arm didn't have to be too twisted. I've hardly begun, only on page 60 or so, but i'm so incredibly hooked. It's been a really long time since i've laughed out loud from something i've read -it's refreshing. Tho I have a feeling it will start to get serious soon... Trying to hold out so I can have a good plane book...I feel so uninformed about Fidel Castro and what has happened to Cuba since he took over... looking forward to being enlightened. Anyone read this?? Thoughts??

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found a book that "hooked" you....to keep you inspired to keep reading! I haven't been into reading much as far as books go. Malia's principal has been loaning her lots of them and so Malia's been "going to town" with her reading. I just go through spurts for myself. Glad you have something to keep you occupied on the "pare-plane" :-)
