
Words to live by...

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment."

- Anonymous

a continuation of the previous post.  a quote i first read when my birth coach, colleen, who i will forever admire & be thankful for, shared it with me. thanks colleen!


  1. Yay for Colleen...I really liked her a whole bunch...a neat lady. Yes, love the quote too. Theres a lot of truth to it and its hard to not just want to grab what is here and now...like Esau and Jacob...Esau traded his birthright for a little bowl of stew because he was hungry...he sold-out pretty cheap! Its not worth it! keep your goals before ya...but don't ever forget the HEAVENLY goal...our most important goal!

  2. BTW Anna...regarding your question on my post...yes, that IS Derek's friend - a girl, and a friend...she and he are dating, but she doesn't consider them to be "exclusive" until they have dated for 6 months and then if they're still wanting to be together then she will be exclusive and she calls it "courting" after that.

  3. Any way that you think a 14-year-old-wishing-to-be-going-on-18 would be receptive to such a great quote?

  4. it's worth a shot mel. but i never took to it when i was 14 going on 32. lol. but then again- you knew that.
