
all things wedding

Lately I have been perusing the wedding blogs with purpose!

(<--Hence the growing list to the left)

thoughts on my own wedding.  (4-years ago in 3-short-weeks!)

i never really planned our wedding.

well i sort of tried. i actually did the whole sit-down-with-a-planner to book the necessites like:
-the venue
-the reception location
-the hotel
-the transportation
-the photographer

i actually did all those things.  i remember taking a tour with mom around lake havasu looking at all the different hotels & other venues that could host the wedding. i remember our first meeting with cindy our photographer.  i remember reserving agave- now heat hotel where we'd spend our first night. i remember talking to the gondola man who would wisk us from the gazebo under the london bridge back to the other side of the channel.  i remember mom & dad talking about the things they would do to "clean-up" the back patio & pool area before the reception. 

but all that was in arizona & by the time we changed our wedding location to washington, i was over it. 

i wanted simple/effortless/budget friendly. 

-simple target photos with the wedding date printed on them. 
-i picked the color blue. zane picked the color yellow. for no particular reason did we choose these colors. more because having wedding colors was what you did. & those two colors happened to tickle our fancy that day.  looking back, they ended up looking rather awful, more appropriate like for a baby shower to welcome a little boy into the world.  but whatever!
-cindy ended up making "proper invitations" which was kind of her.  she picked out the paper, the embellishments, the design & spent the hours putting them all together.  but she did it because she knew i had no interest whatsoever in proper wedding invitations & didn't care whether they were ever done or not.  
-but still. when those ran out. i was back to stuffing envelopes with photo cards & writing addresses with my seriously awful handwriting to people i didn't even hardly know, but thought i was supposed to be including. & that was just fine with me.
-i never even considered having a bachelorette party.  i mean the thought didn't even cross my mind.  & i wound up getting swept away to a spa in spokane with my two best friends & my mom & grandma & the ladies on zane's side of the family.  ill always always be grateful for the really really awesome memory of walking into perkins to see ash & lace waiting for me.  & getting pampered in the forest with people i love was amazing too. 
-we got finger food the day before the wedding at costco. 
-we ordered our cake from one of zane's old teachers. i don't even remember how we found out about her, but that was one of our BEST decisions.  she was sooo cheap & she made the most delicious cake EVER!
-no professional photographers to capture the ceremony. all professional photos were taken weeks before the real wedding. boo.   
-ashley did my hair.  it wasn't in a salon, but she is as close to a professional as i could've hoped for! & syd, krista & ash did a fabulous job putting my hair in foam curlers the night before (& helping me unravel them the day of!) while we watched the wedding planner of course.  & then somehow we lost the movie & ended up having to buy it!
-i had a zit we named "bart."  bart never did make an apperance which was a total miracle.  but i felt him & he was painful.  i iced him a lot that week.
-only family was invited to the wedding. i don't regret that decision. it was intimate & personal. i still like that there weren't too many people that we couldn't all stand or sit together on kirk & kellys porch.
-i do however regret not including my two best friends. i should've realized that they are like my family & always will be.
-i also regret being so self conscious.  i was waaaaaay too aware of everybody watching us.  i couldn't even make myself walk down the aisle, let alone let myself get caught up in the moment.  & then we had to do "the kiss" over because we did it too fast. 
-a lot of our choices were because we didn't realize how mentally unstable i still was at this point.  i shudder at the memories i have of going to garage sales & stocking up on baby stuff. even car carriers because i was sooo consumed with thoughts of babies & trying to deal with the void i felt without landon.  it hadn't even been a year later at that point. 

ANYWAY. i don't live in the past & that isn't what the post is about. it's just that a lot of friends & friends of friends & sisters of friends, co-workers, etc. have been planning their weddings & it's this whole little crazy world.  so it's caused me to think about my own & why we did what we did.

i'm very much enjoying all the fun and excitement of wedding planning as i think of nay's approaching nuptials. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the wedding...a lot of it I knew but just glad to see it and hear and read about it again! Yes, I have some regrets about our too...nothing I lose sleep over but things I'd of done differently if I were to do it again...1)I'd of had a different wedding dress
    and 2) I'd of invited my good friend Donna J. We were so trying to keep it super small and family only...and 2 workers came...so why not 3 (meaning Donna)? and 3) I would have had professional pictures taken...like I say...they are just things that I don't lose sleep over, but just would'of done differently! Yay for 'Nay...Derek booked his flight the other night for WA and the wedding too. Glad you two will connect up there for awhile! That will be fun!

  2. I think everyone has things they would do differently... Mostly because planning a wedding is something you haven't done before and you don't really *really* know what you want or don't want!! I loved my wedding but there are still things I would have done differently! Makes me excited to help Chloe or my sisters or like you, a friend! They can learn and benefit from your experience! :)

  3. Hey babes -- love this post, and funny enough I can totally relate! You seem to have so many dreams when you are little about 'just the way it's going to be' and then it comes and goes so fast and when you sit down and have another look -- you think .. ummmm was that what I had in mind?! =) I do remember our little girls movie night, putting rollers in your hair, naming bart and pulling rose petals off the flowers!! =) So happy I was there to share in the memories. I missed Jay & Dani's wedding and I really, really regret that ... but happy to have seen you and Zane take such a wonderful step together. Love you both heaps ---!
