
my crazy life of late

so today didn't go quite as planned. my fault for having expectations. ha=-)

this past week & a half has been all about work.  all 90 (& counting) hours of it.  i can be a bit of a workaholic when my depression doesn't have a say in the matter.  which it hasn't (fingers crossed) in awhile.

+ banana has been crrrraazy lately.  add my inability to say no & all the sudden i'm working doubles every single day & haven't had a day off in weeks. no lie.  i mean i had to wake up at 5:30 am the other day just to find time to clean up the house.  & it took me the full 3-hours i had before i had to go to work to do everything on my overwhelming to-do list.  sleep has been a distant dream for sure.

anyway it paid off because steph & the twins ended up coming over yesterday afternoon for some pool time & steven let me hold him for the first time!  & zane even got to join us.  it felt amazing to be outside soaking up the sun instead of inside four work walls!

so this morning plopped into my lap & it was something i was looking forward to very very much.  especially after my painful bikini wax yesterday. (i wrote a whole post on that, but then decided to not publish it for fear that someone might not want to read those kind of intimate details... so if you want to hear about that whole lovely shindig, i can email it to you, lol)

all was lovely until my car wouldn't start. for the 2nd time in a week. you know the one that we bought like a year ago.  that one that is only 5-years old.

the one that we literally just took to the dealership yesterday because it had been recalled for faulty steering & had to have a new steering pump installed.

i might add that working this many hours has made me feel like i'm unphasable. i'm so deliriously tired that i seem to have totally bypassed the state of actually feeling tired & went right onto the state of being robotic. which is awesome!

so the first time my car wouldn't start, i was across the street from work getting gas. cos i was so low that i didn't know if i could actually make it across the street & back without breaking down.  (i know i know. i can hear both my father & father in law clicking their tongues at me & rambling about always keeping the gas tank above the halfway line.....) & my car just up & died right there at the pump. it was full of gas & it wouldn't start! luckily a really nice dude named tom could tell by the way that my engine was clicking (& not turning over) & my confused look & perhaps he heard my conversation to zane, holding up the phone & asking: "um, what does this mean?"

so anyway. he jumped my car. sweet.

fast forward to this morning. 6 days later.  & it happens again. this time a jump start is so not working.  enter cranky husband who dials the mechanic like 3x in a row until he finally picks up.

find out we had a bad battery. but the mechanic doesn't have this battery in stock. of course.

so he goes to another parts store & installs it.  then takes the car back to the mechanic to make sure we don't have a bad alternater too that may decide to kill this battery.  thankfully the alternator is fine.

while zane is doing all this i'm at tj maxx trying to return the talking fly swatter i'd given to my brother as part of a birthday gift.  (it should've been awesome, it had different sayings like "flight cancelled" & "hasta la vista baby." but no... it didn't work.) & since i'd thrown away the receipt, the cashier was not feeling sympathetic for my dilemma.  i was feeling annoyed that i lost the $$ on the swatter & the shipping too & for jipping my brother. but then miraculously they find a swatter in clearance & gave me that price in store credit.  it was better than nothing. 

anyway all the morning drama totally busts my plan to take a leisurely stroll thru the farmers market with my dogs & hubby.  something we haven't had the chance to do in months. & something that i'd been thoroughly looking forward too.  we only had a half hour before zane had to get back to work & most of the vendors were already packing up for the day & two of our faves had already left so that was a bummer. 

but we did get to have an iced almond latte & a mango smoothie & a key lime tart & good conversation with our old neighbors at their coffee shop.

& we did get some fresh fruit to make a fruit salad for our get together this weekend with a handful of friends. (yay! something i'm really looking forward to & need!) & a giant bag of kettle korn.  & some corn on the cob. & we saw washington cherries which made me oh so happy.

& the highlight of the whole week was one of my oldest friends announcing her engagement to her high school sweetheart of like 6-years (is it possibly 7?) & then asked me to be a bridesmaid to boot!  so now even tho we decided to not go home this year (for the first time in 3-years!) i get to squeeze in a quick trip to my home town after all.  thanks nay!  we will both be variations of "mrs. bun's" now. i think it's great!!  we all went to high school together til nay ditched us her junior year.  kevin single-handedly helped me pass my auto tech class that year. & we three made many many many fun memories that will always be fondly remembered.  now to see them sealing the deal is a true delight.  i couldn't be happier to be apart of their day! 

i've been bombarding nay with daily texts asking all the important girly details.  it's been oh-so-fun=-)  so now my head is swimming with all things wedding.  & i'm loving every minute! thinking about someone else's wedding is so much more fun then your own.  especially someone like nay who of all people totally deserves this day!

anyway all these things have made for quite the week.  hopefully next week will be calmer?  at least i was too busy to feel overly nostaligic about not being at grandpa & gramma's for the 4 of july. 

looking forward to a weekend with friends.  less work.  getting cpr-certified.  baking with amy.  (one word: "TRUFFLES!")  & perhaps a date night with my hubby! 


  1. Wow! Sounds like a C-r-A-z-Y week!! Glad for the fun girly stuff and the weekend to brighten the day! Been meaning to respond to your email by the way and somehow am never on my actual computer... So one of these days!

  2. WOW I finally get to read about your life since I don't ever get to talk to you anymore with your WAY TOO BUSY LIFE! But, one of these days things will slow down for you...sometimes our bodies just make us slow down even if we don't want too. Glad it's holding up for you though...because its a real drag when our body says..."whoa....gotta stop, gotta stop" and then it just peters out and you stop because you have to. Glad you're still hanging in there though and you are one busy girl! Who is your get together with? Friends from work?
