
Weddings: Part II

i had so much fun reading your comments & thoughts about your own weddings!
thanks so much for sharing with me!=-) 
just add coffee & your actual presence & it would have been perfection!

so i did something that is just absolutely silly today: i called in sick from one job, so that i could work at my other job.

BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME, keep these things in mind:

*i've never ever done this before.
*i'll never ever do it again, i have so much guilt.
*i did it because my co-worker, a bride, is leaving for her destination wedding in mexico on friday & overwhelmed tears spilled down her cheeks as she begged me to take her shift so that she could have this night to prepare.  how could i possibly say no to that!?
*my best friend laughed at me. sweet. i haven't talked to that girl for like two weeks so it was precious just to hear her laugh, even if at my expense;-)
*i actually don't feel awesome. i'm not sick... but you know, not peachy either.

i talked to my current favorite bride, Nay Nay, for like 45-minutes about Project.Wedding. it was all kinds of wondermous fun!!

i got to try on my bridesmaid dress yesterday when i got home from work. it was waiting for me in the mailbox.  it fit perfect. Y A Y!

i addressed & stuffed envelopes in my heart last night with the rest of the bridesmaids.  

i also texted the sweet maid of honor & we dreamed up bachelorette party ideas.

i booked my ticket for washington today to go to said wedding.  WOO-HOO! the only downer will be that i'm leaving my sweet husband behind. & on his 23rd birthday night too.  but i am saving him an extra trip to orlando since we'll already be down there for convention.  so i'm not terribly rotten in his book i don't think.

i have been emailing this amazing photographer because she inspired me. (klk photography blog<---) her mama lives in florida. we decided to be friends. planning to meet for coffee in miami this winter. lol.

after zane read the last post i wrote about thoughts i had about our wedding, i asked him what his thoughts were.  he said he liked the part where we said: 
"do you?"
"do you?"
"ok. you may kiss."
& most especially that we were legalized in exactly 3 minutes & 31 seconds.
lol. such a typical guy. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for chapter two of weddings 101 (for Nay that is)...weddings 102 for you...ie: reminiscing you know...like after the wedding and what you'd do different etc. Loved talking to you today on the phone for like 43 minutes and 53 seconds! Thanks for giving me that much of your time...I enjoyed it!
