

i really try not to complain about the weather, because really, what am i gonna do about it.
BUT.  i just have to announce officially (because i think it will make me feel better), that it's just reaalllllllllly flipping hot right now.
& also, i'm just wondering Universe... where is the rain!? This is rainy season in Florida- it seems that you've forgotten, so this is just a friendly reminder.
i went to http://www.weather.com/ this morning & it said that there is "Oppressive humidity" today.  Made me laugh. It's oppressive indeed.  It also said that at 1pm it's going to be 92 degrees, but that it will feel like 104. Thanks humidity for that.
40% chance of rain tomorrow- fingers are crossed!


  1. Well, Anna, do you have sunshine because I could really use a dose of early morning sun right now! I think we've had a grand total of maybe 10 sunny mornings all summer! It's overcast now, MIGHT clear up by 12 or 1 and then get up to a whopping 75. We haven't had summer here all year! I just want a little sun!

  2. ugh, sorry melisa, i know i sound ungrateful. i would SOOO swap you tho!

  3. OK Mrs. BUN...we are having the same stuff as you. It's monsoon season and supposed to be our rainy season and we've seen nary a drop...the paper says we're supposed to have a thunder storm tonight and tomorrow...but most of the time it's more hype than non-fiction!!! ;-D Our humity has been about 65%...at between 95 in the a.m. to 105-110 in the afternoon...it just feels oppressive and stifiling...OK, I got it out and off my chest too...now we can feel better sitting inside with air-conditioning getting cabin fever. I think when we do get a tish of rain, I'm gonna go outside in it and do a little rain dance...wanna come join me? It would be fun to share in the love!

  4. OMG I feel ya. I mean ours probably isn't as bad because it's not as humid. The last 3 days we've had intense thunder and rain storms which were cool but then they were followed by really hot humid days. Bleh. I'm so excited for rainy weather.
