
fun little moments

what trip would be complete without touristy photos!?
waiting for the simpsons ride... a fun starbucks in the san fransisco themed area

i had to take a picture in my 'tuk-tuk' which is my lucky winning piece in our monopoly game=-)
not something you see everyday! who says monks can't have fun!? and they weren't employed by universal!


  1. Ahhhh you two are just to darn cute! What a fun trip....we totally wanna come join!!! Looks like you had an amazing time...Love the tuk-tuk chick!! They are so fun to ride in!! =)

  2. No kidding. the touristy photos are a must at least once! :) I love the pics of you & Zane in front of the universal sign and the one of you guys together. So adorable!
