
georgia on mind...

my thoughts have been echoing those of my sister-in-law. just feeling too aware of my insufficiency - unable to find a balance between sleep & still being able to offset my to-do list & reclaim my life again. feeling i can't breath in deep enough- even having a mini poor-me-session with tears & all- but i've finally been delivered. it all came together last night.

all my checked-off items:
get mom & dad's anniversary gift prepared in time
send derek's birthday gift
papa phils & dad's father's day gifts are ready to send
return twilight
finish breaking dawn/return to lib./pay any late fees
get groceries for the weekend
get cash for the weekend
mapquest directions
call frank
call sheila for contacts in georgia
call contact for directions to meeting
print out hotel confirmation
clean the house- (bathroom/kitchen/laundry/vacuum/mop/clean all glass surfaces- i'm admitting possessed when it comes to cleaning the house whenever we leave on vacation -it drives zane crazy)
catch-up on my inbox
get ice for cooler

i haven't been perfect. everything is not done. i shouldn't have skipped yoga- i have a 'need-to-call-list" that still hasn't been touched- i have thank-yous to write- piles of papers to organize & put away, etc. but it feels so much better to focus on what i have finished instead of what i haven't. & now... i'm going to leave the rest behind & focus on a FUN extended weekend with my husband. we're exploring savannah, GA. we've never been to GA.- just planning to 'wing-it" - staying in an "inn" right in the downtown historic district & tonight is up in the air- all part of our mini-adventure. meeting new Friends. being tourists. a road-trip (hopefully the first of many?) in our new car. catch-up on my books-to-read-pile. plans to xm ourselves out. 2.5 days to just escape reality- explicit instructions to certain people at work to not call unless it is an emergency -did i mention that i'm excited!?

1 comment:

  1. When I read this last week, or whenever you first posted it... I was jealous.. :) Because I love having a list of things that I have crossed off! I am appreciative of the reminder to remember the things we've been able to cross off, rather than just moving on to the next list and being overwhelmed all over again.
