
a wonderful state of mind.

maddening day. feeling too tired for yoga, thinking maybe i'll just skip tonight. curious conversation about the rationale of some people. a flood of phone calls & texts about michael jackson. suddenly feeling an urgent need to go to yoga. racing out one door & walking into a different door- feeling too aware of my own edginess in a calm room. yet feeling the feeling of deliverance, knowing fully this next hour & a half will chase the day out of my conscious mind. beginning to feel mindful again. beginning to take hold of a quiet mind again. being aware of my own breath; practicing the art of breathing from the bottom of my belly. inhaling calm. exhaling worries. building stamina. smiling thru the pain that hurts so good. observing less restricted flexibility. keeping my satisfaction covert, but seriously wanting to jump up & down & scream at the top of my lungs. exchanging mutual looks of "omiword-if-she-thinks-i-can-do-that-she-has-lost-her-mind." leaving class hand in hand. being greeted by pleasant, mild, warm evening air. listening to XM 72- the spa channel. continuing this feeling of bliss. driving with the windows down, warm breezes playing with my hair. home. knowing all good things must come to an end, still the feeling doesn't leave. it stays all night. it turns euphoric. i feel dizzy with pleasure. everything is funny & requires dancing. a surprise phone call late into the night plants the joy a little deeper still. company is coming! a frantic scramble to clean the house. vacuuming in rain boots to michael jackson tunes at top volume guilt free. nobody from our building is home tonight but us. feeling tears tease my eyes, but never falling- feeling nostalgia. i feel so high on life that my intensity makes my vacuum fall over everytime i use the extension. which makes me crack up. where are my girlfriends at when i need to laugh like we're in middle school!? suddenly needing to make key-lime bars at 11:30 at night. & even when i woke up this morning... this feeling lingered. i keep thinking, why do i feel like this!? but mostly wanting to not question it & just soak it up. every single last minute.

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, where ARE your girlfriends when you need them, ;). I miss you, and I so wish I could have been there. I love how you said you don't want to question it and just soak it up...I love the times when we feel so free to live with full intensity. :)
    The thought from your yoga class--Inhaling calm, exhaling worries, building stamina. Thanks for that. :) Love you. Miss you so so much.
