

whew- 4-days in. yesterday was such a challenge. no sleep + hunger = super cranky me. (zane dared to ask me if i wanted to go to panda express after bible study- he said he forgot i was "dieting" but i don't think he'll forget again, lol) anyway thank you so much shana & ashley for supporting me!! we can do this!! thanks also mom & ash h. for all your phone support=) & mom especially for letting me call all the time to ask: "how many points would this be...?" (i'm loosely basing this whole diet plan on weight watchers which has been successful for many people i know & my mom has been my little weight watcher expert!=) my scale still hasn't budged, but i'm chalking it up to the fact that i have only checked at night & i totally reserve the right to not believe what my scale says at night -only the morning. lol. thursday is my all-out exercise night with yoga & tonight we're stepping it up a little more. & i'm pumped! zane & i are walking/jogging two-miles into downtown flagler beach to do our weekly hour & a half of yoga & walk/jog the 2-miles home. after my euphoric yoga experience last week- it cannnnoot come fast enough=) not only is it building my strength up- it offers me all these mind-calming "tricks" that kicks my anxiety in the bum. feels good to feel on top of that little issue- even just for awhile.


  1. Hey, Anna, don't starve yourself or your body won't let go!! Eat sensible, JUST until you are beginning to be satisfied. If you are ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE it is only a craving, then have some cool water and/or brush your teeth, but if you are truly stomach-growling hungry, feed yourself!! Found that out the hard way myself!! When I finally gave in and had a mini whole wheat, basically dry turkey sandwich at Subway and satisfied my hunger, then the pounds that I'd been hanging onto just melted right a way!! Good Luck!

  2. Wow! Fitness frenzy!!! :) You guys are awesome. Heh. Hope yoga was everything you'd hoped. Ah.. I can't wait to get back to my gym classes. :)

  3. That is a lot of working out your doing...way to go!!
