
Indepedence Day 2009

malia- this is for you- notice my dress=)
mmm- yummy! sand in our gum tastes so good!
life is sweet when you're close enough to the beach to bring your patio furniture=)

the boss lady & zane having a moment=)

a beautiful night
lots to look at tonight up there
our sweet set-up
the look of fear

normally we have the beach all to ourselves- but not on the 4th...

Sweet little miss Evie
Anna was loving the snuggle-time=)


  1. Thats pretty sweet to have your furniture on the beach - what a life! And cute dress ;)

  2. I laughed to see your patio furniture down there on the beach. What a fun time and love the pictures again...thanks for sharing...little Aidian looked a little apprehensive...as you mentioned, he didn't just look it, but he was!!!!
