
when will the answers outnumber the questions?

i am not drowning. i am swimming, or treading water at the very least. the point being that my head is still above water. i am not sinking- i am breathing. this isn't the olympics- it's just a test of endurance, and as long as i'm breathing, i am not losing. i choose to think about what i do know, not what i don't. i choose to inhale calm. exhale fear. feel it leave. push it out if i have to. it's ok to feel tired, i tell myself this. "perplexed, yet not in despair." these words come to me often. praying for an answer, even just a direction. desperate for direction. "wait" is the answer we get. so i must remind myself to live. to be present. why do i always feel like i have to see the future so that i can enjoy today? why do i taste just enough fear to feel a hint of panic simmer in the pit of my tummy? even tho i've been given more then i deserve time & time again, i toy with the idea that i'll be abandoned this time. i try to convince myself that i've used up all my life-lines finally. God deserves better then that from me, I know this. Still I suffocate myself with questions that i don't have answers to. school..or work? & if school is the answer, what do i study? early childhood development, dental assistant, medical transcription, aesthetcian??? do i go part-time or full-time? do we stay or do we go? do we move to las vegas by december to be by mom & dad & start a family like we've been talking about doing for these past two-months... should we have babies in 6-months or 6-years? or do we hold onto work opportunities here in florida? is it right to leave our precious meeting here yet? what about our grandparents? maybe we should move home to be near them while we can? how much will we regret not being close to them during these years when we look back someday? so here we sit. running in place. feeling like we have a finger in a 100-different things until we feel pulled more in one direction then another. meetings with our bosses- attending scholarship classes- putting out resumes- it's this frustrating vicious cycle. what made perfect sense yesterday doesn't make sense at all today. just not feeling a strong pull in any specific direction soo... feeling beat. confused. helpless. powerless. curious. scared. excited. & more desperate with each passing day. i know we'll just wake up one day & it will all just click. i just don't get to choose that day. i also know that when the waiting is over it will all be worth every second- to know that wherever we are is exactly where we are supposed to be.


  1. something i don't think i will ever forget is the moment (years ago) that i heard an audible voice tell me that i needed to "stop trying to MAKE things happenl...and just LET them happen..."

    hang in there :)

  2. well I could tell you what I think would be fabulous for you guys to do! However I don't think doing what I or anyone else would like you to do is the answer...but, I think once you get a decision settled in your hearts, you'll be at peace and everything will be right. And ya know, everything may not even 'click' until after you've decided and it might only become clear then, that that was the best thing to do...but, until then just try and breath and live panic-attack free about it :) Also, I know we both like to be in control of things, but sometimes it's just best to go with the flow - a lesson I'm still learning!

  3. Ya, I can relate to that. And I agree with both comments also.

    You know, there's a lot of truth to that line of our hymn, "In LOVE the Father ever veils the future...". Sometimes we want to push the doors open when we hardly realize that it's love that holds it closed for the time being. But if there is anyone's love we can trust (and rest) in, it's His.

  4. Just reading again...and appreciating your openness with your feelings and previous comments. Thanks again for sharing this...I feel like I can relate in a major way. I wish I had words of wisdom for you and myself. "no strong pull in any specific direction--feeling beat. confused. helpless. powerless. curious. scared. excited & more desparate..." Yeah. I understand that 120%. Hugs*Love can't wait to see you.
