
thinking out loud.

we are excited about the 4th of july but sooo ridiculously undecided about our plans. i'm ok with that tho. i've made myself give up making set-plans in advance- life is too uncertain & i hate the pressure of being locked into something that didn't necessarily need to be locked down. sometimes it's better to just flow... go where the wind takes me. we have free tix to go watch fireworks in orlando at universal & listen to an oldies band perform. but also- we have front row seats of fireworks from our house here at the beach. & there is tempting talk of getting a permit to build a bonfire.... very enticing indeed. i'm almost afraid to leave our house on the 4th- our street becomes a parking lot & getting even two-miles can take hours... ick. there are usually about 50,000 visitors that fill up every inch of space in our teeny town=) it can get interesting. i'm also crossing my fingers that our camera will be repaired by tomorrow... it broke. again. i'm just hoping it will go ahead & break 2 more times so we can just get a new one. that is how our warranty works.
i have the day off tomorrow. sooo soo needed. my boss came home yesterday after 36-holes of golf & was like- i'm soo exhausted, mind if i take a nap? (as if i'm allowed to say no...) i wanted to smack him- like taking care of two-kids all day is a walk in the park. i mean, i totally love my babies- but seriously...
sooo i'm sleeping in. i have become one of those weird people that sleep with a sleep mask. religiously. i can no longer sleep without it. (i had this weird idea in my head that only snotty rich people wear these things so never thought to try one...does anyone else share this stereotype with me or am i just crazy?) anyway. i'm not rich. or snotty & i ADORE my sleep mask. it was a cheap solution to all the light that filters thru our curtains & makes it impossible for me to sleep in... we wanted black-out curtains, but it was like $80- ugh. i much prefer my new $4 sleep mask=) but then i have this other problem that i can't sleep without zane beside me... so when he leaves for work- i'm pretty much done for. so i'm crossing my fingers! so i say i'm going to sleep in- but it's more like i'm hoping for the best=) i suppose i could wake up, see my baby off & enjoy a quiet morning & take an afternoon nap....hmm, i think i just typed myself into that idea.
i might register for classes tomorrow. i have to do that to see how much financial aid i qualify for... isn't that backwards? why would i sign up for something that i don't know i can afford? instead you sign up first, they come back & say, we'll offer you this much... & if you accept it- fine. if not- you drop them. seems like a lot of work to me. but until it dead ends i feel like i have to try. i do want to be a student. why not now? wish me luck!
i also have plans to feed my magazine addiction. i have a pile that is getting out of hand of mags i bought to read someday. tomorrow seems like a good someday. also planning on finishing my audio book. midnight in the garden of good & evil. it takes place in savannah & we kept hearing about it so we're seeing what it's all about=)
anyway i must need to talk to someone cos i'm just rambling away about silly things. ha. we'll be thinking of you all this weekend- happy 4th of july y'all!!!


  1. Happy 4th of July!! I wonder what you decided to do.
    What is up with that silly camera anyway :P. Seems to break at inoppurtune times too.
    Psyched you had friday off!! Lucky lucky! I had to work but it wasn't too bad.
    Hehe. SO I find the sleep mask thing funny. Simply because I had the SAME THOUGHT. I attached sleep mask to a similar stereotype. It just seems like a snotty rich thing to do. But I got this idea in my head that I should try one, this was about a year and a half ago. So I got one, two actually. I however have yet to attach myself to it. I feel like it makes my eyelids sore or something :) hah, that sounds funny. Plus, I always end up flinging it across the room during the night--which I cannot explain because I of course am asleep and don't know why I do this. Funny story about sleep masks though. There is this guy at school, at work actually who was trying to convince me to use a sleep mask. It was completely random and hilarious..my boss and I had a good laugh about it cuz my boss was looking at him like he was crazy for wearing a sleep mask. Anyway, black out curtains--I have done that as well--working nights and all. However, I did the make-shift blackout curtains--you know blanket over window.
    Yeah, financial aid stuff is weird. I've been doing it for 3-4 years and it still makes no sense to me. What classes are you going to sign up for? That's exciting! :) I doo wish you luck!! Is it weird that I feel a tinge of jealousy that you will be registering for classes as I will have to enter the real world and face my fears?? :P I'm so silly.
    Heh. I must need to talk to someone TOO because I AM RAMBLING on and on. I'm out. Hope we talk soon. Love you!

  2. I do recall you making fun of me for wearing a sleep mask when I was 7 or 8 and we were in Havasu on spring break =)

    Your 4th plans sound fun...we haven't done anything today...and got no plans, but happy 4th!
