zane & i have been car-pooling again- which means we leave by 6:30 every morning- which means we are seeing some awesome sunrises. well truth be told, they're all awesome, i'm just now being unlazy enough to not sleep thru their awesomeness. & i can officially tell you that it has reach the 50s in florida. if only it were lasting... & not just early mornings... & it was accompianied by grey skies...
we were trying to see if our blow-up mattress would fit into our tent & it like swallowed our tent alive. so funny. guess we'll just have to sleep on the ground. with the snakes. & the other questionable creepy crawlies=) actually all kidding aside & as much as i hope we don't have any scary encounters i am totally counting the days & that means there are two more days! so excited!
What is the good of your stars and trees, your sunrise and the wind, if they do not enter into our daily lives?
-E. M. Forster
this trailer does not give justice to this film. this imax presentation was just: "WOW" with a capitol "W!" i was both moved to tears & uncontrollable laughter because i was just so dang in awe of the zest for life so evident in these men & women. every five seconds zane & i would look at each other with a wide-eyed "oh no they didn't!!!!" look. to see such an absence of fear was just mind-blowing. MIND. BLOOOOWING. in every sense of the word. my mind was blown. there aren't even enough adjectives in the dictionary to explain the feelings i felt during these 40-minutes! if you live near an IMAX theater: YOU MUST GO! never have i ever wanted to dump myself off a waterfall headfirst in a kayak so badly.
you've gotta be kidding me!
i'm going to put my big girl panties on & sleep in a tent in this wild place they call florida. EVEN THO, they just found Delilah the 18-foot/400+ pound Python in Apopka, where we will be setting up this tent. SERIOUSLY!? why this week.
um, what?!
so it's super disturbing to find yourself singing along to a catchy song & then realize that words like: "...who's your daddy/is he rich like me..." are coming out of your mouth. so. not. cute.
just what the dr. ordered
all you need is love. and laffy taffy.
Q: what do you call a cow with a twitch?
A: beef jerky.
PAHAHA. i dare you not to smile.
Q: what do you call a cow with a twitch?
A: beef jerky.
PAHAHA. i dare you not to smile.
hard to put into words my gratitude to my mom, for the two weeks she just put into this book that covers landon's life from my pregnancy to present day. just got it in the mail today. feeling so many emotions.
i discovered that: i won't be working for dr. C - he wanted to keep my resume tho so that when his wife delivers, they can use me as a nanny. umm, thanks, but no thanks. i wasn't applying to be your nanny!
i discovered that my mom & dad will officially be known as "grammy & papa" when zane & i produce a child at some point. & i LOVE it. i have always been so intrigued by what kids call their grandparents, and how that gets decided- & it turns out, it just comes to them randomly, and then they tell you. brillant.
i discovered why i like i like night yoga more then mid-day yoga... my thought process went something like this when i was trying to decide whether i would go to the 11:30 class today: i should go, i want to go... but my to-do list is really big, and i will probably be too distracted to concentrate & i'll just want to rush thru the class... then i started listening to myself. umm... raise your hand if you thought yoga was supposed to help you empty your mind & help you be present in the moment?! apparently i need major help!
i discovered that i'm super proud of my sister for sticking up for herself and being able to perceive a pattern that wasn't going to end, and putting a stop to it- therefore taking steps toward a healthy (& happier!) future.
i discovered that my mom & dad will officially be known as "grammy & papa" when zane & i produce a child at some point. & i LOVE it. i have always been so intrigued by what kids call their grandparents, and how that gets decided- & it turns out, it just comes to them randomly, and then they tell you. brillant.
i discovered why i like i like night yoga more then mid-day yoga... my thought process went something like this when i was trying to decide whether i would go to the 11:30 class today: i should go, i want to go... but my to-do list is really big, and i will probably be too distracted to concentrate & i'll just want to rush thru the class... then i started listening to myself. umm... raise your hand if you thought yoga was supposed to help you empty your mind & help you be present in the moment?! apparently i need major help!
i discovered that i'm super proud of my sister for sticking up for herself and being able to perceive a pattern that wasn't going to end, and putting a stop to it- therefore taking steps toward a healthy (& happier!) future.
"Home Conventions"
went to gospel meeting at apopka this afternoon. apopka is florida's only convention, therefore our official "home" convention while we live here. we have never had the privilege of actually attending it yet for one reason or another during the two years we have lived here now. the first year work schedules wouldn't allow us to come because we'd chosen to go home instead, and last year i spent convention in the ER getting rehydrated after a particularly nasty stomach flu. preps are just about wrapped up now & it's just a matter of enduring a couple more weeks before convention actually starts. even tho we have been here for two spring special meetings now- i can't navigate myself anywhere besides the meeting shed & the ladies restroom, so Dreema, one of the ladies we go to sunday morning meeting with, gave me the grand tour this afternoon. it conjured up all these feelings i have toward the convention i call my home convention - milltown first & foremost, and occasionally walla walla because i went there for many years growing up. i thought about all the questions i had to ask Dreema... like: where do the worker's sleep, where do the boys sleep, where do the elderly sleep,where is the nursery, where are the showers, or are there showers, is there hot water, where do the tenter's set up their tents, how do i flush these toilets.... things i have never had to ask before really, because i get a vivid picture in my head of where each of these places are located at milltown or walla walla. when i walk into ladie's sleeping quarters i'm greeted with a strong scent that i realize in my head is shouting at me because it doesn't smell like the sleeping quarters at home. it doesn't make it wrong, it just reminds me i'm not at home either. when i look around the room where meeting is held, at the sea of faces.. some i can pick out by name, the smiling faces that i meet with every sunday, or wednesday or union meeting... some i have met a handful of times but i can't remember their names, and some i know i have never seen in my life. i realize that i'm subconsciously thinking that it's very strange to be at a convention where our only family is our spiritual family. anyway, just a collection of bittersweet feelings i felt today. i should add too that i am super grateful that no matter how unfamiliar it all is, that i have total faith that the spirit is the same, and we will be fed the same. and that is amazing.
last monday
Two things I never thought would cross paths: yoga & my love for Taylor Swift. but the day after this year's scandalous VMA's, they found a way. I woke up & found the news, it was front & center on my homepage- anything with Taylor Swift is going to catch my eye. so i decided to wear my Taylor shirt to yoga to show my support, thinking the granny's who i do yoga with on monday morning wouldn't be "hip" enough to even care who Taylor was, let alone the MTV music video awards. but my t-shirt turned out to be quite the conversation piece, and there i was talking like i'd seen the whole thing unfold in person, instead of like 10-minutes ago on youtube, all eyes & ears were on me - i'm silently cracking up - oh so amused that i have discovered that i do yoga with hip grannies - loving every moment that i get to defend Taylor. aw, it was good moment.
LPC is a Winner!
got a text from larry, my boss from the restaurant, at like 7:30 friday night. it said: can you come here at 9 tonight? very vague. very random. so i called for some clarity, which i didn't get. just said it was a " staff meeting of sorts" & i could bring zane. anyway turns out our restaurant: La Piazza Cafe won TEN different awards (see above coupon for list), making us the most awarded restaurant in Palm Coast for 2009 & the second most awarded restaurant in the county with 200+ restaurants. one other restaurant - the Golden Lion won one more award then us. so this impromptu "meeting" was purely celebratory. one of the coolest awards we won was for "best waitstaff" - i know my one day a week weighed in heavily!=) the highlight of the night was definitely when jess- one of the night servers dumped the big bucket of ice water that had been chilling the champagne bottles over larry's head. it was a very superbowl-esque moment. i wish y'all knew larry so you could understand how funny it is to watch this man get ice water dumped over his head. he is a grumpy-devious-infuriating-hard-working-Italian-Staten-Island-New-Yorker straight out of a movie. you either love him or hate him, which of course it's mostly the former- he worked his way into all of our hearts, and you know deep down that you're in his. & di- lar's wife- made this homemade angel food/devil's food cake combination with homemade buttercream frosting & fresh raspberries. it was divine. anyway all in all- a very fun night to be apart of & feeling super proud of larry senior, diane & junior for this huge accomplishment!
Things I shouldn't hear you say after a walk from yoga. Zane to his Mom: "Anna almost stepped on a snake on the way home, but I didn't tell her because I didn't want to freak her out." Thanks dude=)
ikea, etc.
mama cindy had never been to ikea so i suggested that we stop by since we were going to be in orlando anyway dropping off zoe at the airport. she was impressed! she got some fun stuff for her new room, and i love the touches she has made to make it her own. my major purchase were these fun pillow covers & the laptop (etc) table. & mom: this is me interview-ready, just for you.
the interview went a-ok, but i don't have anything to report yet. we'll see what plays out=)
now z & i are off to yoga- we're going to walk tonight- to enjoy the cooler evenings we've been having & catch up on our days! it's gonna feel good.
cross your fingers...!
i scored an interview with dr. C tomorrow afternoon. i can see the light at the end of the tunnel....
long jean skirt alert!
say what! this discussion keeps coming up randomly - how nobody carries long jean skirts anymore & that they are nearly impossible to find these days... well imagine my surprise when i see one at target tonight! i outgrew my last long jean skirt & zane loves "that" look so he was happy too=) the husband happy with clothes shopping = yay! check it out if you're in this boat like me. details: juniors' Mossimo Supply Co. - denim maxi skirt - vintage wash
operation: terminate zombie
is in effect! this whole no-job/no-schedule thing is getting out of hand. i didn't wake up until 1:30pm, friday afternoon (o.m.g. - i haven't done that since i was 2 - ask my mother! she thought i was dead.) & then to make things worse, i realized i didn't even have any motivation to get out of bed even after the startling realization of how late it was. zane kept coming home & he'd find me in the same clothes that he'd seen me in when he left that morning. me bawling because nothing sounds appealing to me. nothing. suggestions to take a walk, or go shopping or eat somewhere, or to play a game just seem absurd & like they would take just as much effort as it would to complete a marathon. i have certain tendencies when i'm not busy. i know this about myself. why did i think this would be an exception? these tendencies are g.e.n.e.t.i.c. - & a long stetch of "good days" doesn't make you immune from future stretches of "bad days." panic sets in as i reflect back on the last stretch of "bad days" in december of last year. when you finally escape the feeling of walking around in a fog, it feels like you have been given a new leash on life, and that somehow you have finally found "the key" to good days and bad days will never have power over you again. and then they find a way to creep in, and suddenly you realize that you're in the middle of a battlefield in your mind. a place you vowed to never be in ever again.
so i desperately needed this week to be different or i was going to drive myself crazy i mean this quite literally. & it was an honest effort. i was out of bed by 9 - three loads of laundry completed - an overdue trip to the post office to drop off mail - and an hour & a half yoga session all before 2pm. i haven't done yoga in a month so it's going to take some time to get back into it, but i already love the thoughts that are re-entering my conscious mind. & sometimes it was just the simple reminder to "not think" for a little while that helped make me feel a little calmer and a little less anxious today. the struggle to be in the moment; not the moment that is in front of me, or the one that is behind me, but the one i'm in right now. i need these reminders. desperately.
i failed in the food department. sugar-free red bull was breakfast. and lunch. this zero motivation thing kicks my appetite to the curb. NOTHING sounds good. & tho you would think this would be something to celebrate, the pounding headaches that accompany the no-eating thing just don't work for me. i struggled thru a bowl of Oh's, like my favorite cereal ever, and it felt like torture. (think: stomach flopping & my taste buds declaring war on me so nothing tastes wondeful) food + me just aren't friends right now.
the afternoon was filled with interesting conversation with mama cindy & aunt zoe in my living room. i do much better with people around me. & zoe got a new straightner so i made my hair pretty. pretty hair = temporary superficial happiness.
zane came home & we visited gladys & i had to stop & think wow: talk about someone who has mastered the whole alone/no job/no-schedule/quiet house-staring at the same 4-walls (for YEARS!)/boredom thing. being 91-years-old & out-living most of your circle of family & friends, being house-bound & having a deep desire to not spend her last days in a nursing home kind of solidifies that kind of reality. & she is still thankful. and sane. so what's my problem? cheese & rice. anyway point being. the program is underway & i'm just putting one foot in front of the other. & i'm going to work this out until a job opens up for me & i'll bow down to it until i start to miss my "boring torturous quiet" days again.
so i desperately needed this week to be different or i was going to drive myself crazy i mean this quite literally. & it was an honest effort. i was out of bed by 9 - three loads of laundry completed - an overdue trip to the post office to drop off mail - and an hour & a half yoga session all before 2pm. i haven't done yoga in a month so it's going to take some time to get back into it, but i already love the thoughts that are re-entering my conscious mind. & sometimes it was just the simple reminder to "not think" for a little while that helped make me feel a little calmer and a little less anxious today. the struggle to be in the moment; not the moment that is in front of me, or the one that is behind me, but the one i'm in right now. i need these reminders. desperately.
i failed in the food department. sugar-free red bull was breakfast. and lunch. this zero motivation thing kicks my appetite to the curb. NOTHING sounds good. & tho you would think this would be something to celebrate, the pounding headaches that accompany the no-eating thing just don't work for me. i struggled thru a bowl of Oh's, like my favorite cereal ever, and it felt like torture. (think: stomach flopping & my taste buds declaring war on me so nothing tastes wondeful) food + me just aren't friends right now.
the afternoon was filled with interesting conversation with mama cindy & aunt zoe in my living room. i do much better with people around me. & zoe got a new straightner so i made my hair pretty. pretty hair = temporary superficial happiness.
zane came home & we visited gladys & i had to stop & think wow: talk about someone who has mastered the whole alone/no job/no-schedule/quiet house-staring at the same 4-walls (for YEARS!)/boredom thing. being 91-years-old & out-living most of your circle of family & friends, being house-bound & having a deep desire to not spend her last days in a nursing home kind of solidifies that kind of reality. & she is still thankful. and sane. so what's my problem? cheese & rice. anyway point being. the program is underway & i'm just putting one foot in front of the other. & i'm going to work this out until a job opens up for me & i'll bow down to it until i start to miss my "boring torturous quiet" days again.
Just Thinking Out Loud
i'm thinking that i'm going to enjoy being able to sit at the bar while we are still childless, and the wait for a table at Olive Garden is 45-minutes, and we get to start eating endless breadsticks & salad instantly!! (i'm going to take a wild stab in the dark & say babies & barstools probably won't blend happily.)
i'm thinking not very many people can look under their couch cusions, and be almost certain that they will discover an emergency stash of dove chocolate promises (leftover from the last emergency) like me.
i'm thinking i might need to tone down my taylor obsession when my boss calls me mid road-trip to find out the details of the kanye + taylor drama from the VMA's.
listening to: American Ride by Toby Keith:
i'm thinking not very many people can look under their couch cusions, and be almost certain that they will discover an emergency stash of dove chocolate promises (leftover from the last emergency) like me.
i'm thinking i might need to tone down my taylor obsession when my boss calls me mid road-trip to find out the details of the kanye + taylor drama from the VMA's.
listening to: American Ride by Toby Keith:
That's us, that's right,
Gotta love this American ride.
Both ends of the ozone burnin'.
Funny how the world keeps turnin'.
Look ma no hands.
I love this American ride,
Gotta love this American ride.
& i'm thinking that i love wearing matching Gator football hats to the local buffet with my husband. i'm thinking that i'm proud to live in the U.S.A!
Z & A's thoughts on 9/11
Have been thinking about 9/11 on & off all day today. I have been enjoying reading what other people are thinking too. On the way home from supper tho I found myself thinking about it again when Zane asked me if I knew what today was. (Zane & I hadn't discussed it yet.) I said: "9/11" knowing what he was referring to. And then he asked me if i knew how long ago it had been. I said: "8-years." He said: "Can you believe that?" I said: "No."
So as I was musing over this, I thought so what are my collective thoughts on the day, what do i think about when i think about 9/11. And i have concluded that it's two-part. a). i think about all the pain associated with this day for those who lost someone they loved. & b). i think about the gratitude i feel for those who helped personally defend the freedom we have in this country & how much pride i feel in the resulting unity we have as American's.
Then I asked Zane where his thoughts take him when he thinks about this day, and he said he thinks about: "how quickly we changed from a divided country into a united country, and then how fast we changed again into a divided country. and how as American's we have failed to remember why we united for one common goal. people seem to remember the event, but they do not remember to come together for one common goal, that goal more or less remembering that: freedom comes at a cost."
so to sum it up: thank you for those who have chosen to pay the cost to defend our country's freedom & for those who paid the cost without choosing, may you feel an extra portion of comfort & love today.
So as I was musing over this, I thought so what are my collective thoughts on the day, what do i think about when i think about 9/11. And i have concluded that it's two-part. a). i think about all the pain associated with this day for those who lost someone they loved. & b). i think about the gratitude i feel for those who helped personally defend the freedom we have in this country & how much pride i feel in the resulting unity we have as American's.
Then I asked Zane where his thoughts take him when he thinks about this day, and he said he thinks about: "how quickly we changed from a divided country into a united country, and then how fast we changed again into a divided country. and how as American's we have failed to remember why we united for one common goal. people seem to remember the event, but they do not remember to come together for one common goal, that goal more or less remembering that: freedom comes at a cost."
so to sum it up: thank you for those who have chosen to pay the cost to defend our country's freedom & for those who paid the cost without choosing, may you feel an extra portion of comfort & love today.
elizabeth gilbert announcement


most people who know me know (or will inevitably find out at some point in our relationship) that i have a minor obsession with the book & author: elizabeth gilbert. & ever since i finished the book almost a year ago exactly (on 9/19/08- i know that only because i blogged about being finished, ha) i have practically been in physical pain aching for her follow-up. in the back of my book there was an announcement that in 2009 she would be releasing a sequel of sorts titled weddings & evictions, also a memoir, this time following her unexpected journey into her second marriage with felipe... but then you'll see described below what i dug up. anyway i'm sad i have to wait until 1.05.2010- but no so much that it's dampening my extreme anticipation in any way! i'm totally pre-ordering right now.
'Eat, Pray, Love' author Elizabeth Gilbert returns with new book
By Motoko Rich
'Eat, Pray, Love' author Elizabeth Gilbert returns with new book
By Motoko Rich
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A year after completely scrapping a 500-page follow-up to "Eat, Pray, Love," Elizabeth Gilbert's mega-best-selling spiritual travelogue, she has delivered a new book that Viking will publish in January.
Titled "Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage," the book is a memoir of a tumultuous year that came 18 months after "Eat, Pray, Love" leaves off, as well as a meditation on wedlock.
Gilbert, 40, said the book, which recounts how she came to marry the Brazilian-born Australian lover she met in Indonesia in "Eat, Pray, Love," was not just a straightforward memoir of what happened and how she felt about it.
In exploring her deep ambivalence about marriage — having vowed never to remarry after the painful divorce that triggered the wanderings chronicled in "Eat, Pray, Love" — she read historical and sociological studies. She also interviewed family members and friends, and talked to people whom she and Jose Nunes (then her companion, called Felipe in the book), met during 10 months in Southeast Asia. In "Committed" she weaves her reflections on this material into her own experiences.
"It is and isn't a sequel," Gilbert said in a telephone interview from near their home in Frenchtown, N.J. "It's the same two characters, but it's a very different setting and emotional backdrop. The second book has more of an academic contemplation and more of my family in it."
Given the phenomenal paperback success of "Eat, Pray, Love" — it spent 57 weeks at the No. 1 spot on the New York Times paperback nonfiction best-seller list and has remained on the list — the new title will be watched closely by fans and publishing insiders to see if Gilbert has lasting power.
Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), which published "Eat, Pray, Love" in 2006, is announcing a first print run for "Committed" of 1 million copies in hardcover. (Although such numbers are known to be widely exaggerated, they indicate the publisher's ambitions.) According to Nielsen BookScan, which tracks about 70 percent of sales, "Eat, Pray, Love" sold nearly 4 million copies in paperback.
When Gilbert signed a two-book deal in 2006 with Viking for a novel and another work of nonfiction, "Eat, Pray, Love" had just been published in hardcover to mostly good reviews, but it had not yet achieved its remarkable sales record. Gilbert thought she wanted to write a novel about the Amazon and had a more amorphous idea for a nonfiction book about creativity.
But in May of that year, Gilbert said, Nunes was detained in Dallas as the couple were returning from a trip to France. After hours of questioning, immigration officials told the couple that the simplest way for Nunes to be allowed back into the country was for them to marry.
With divorce behind them both, neither wanted marriage. But they did want to build a life in the United States. Nunes had already established a business importing gemstones and jewelry to the United States, and Gilbert said she wanted to have a home base near her American family. As they waited to clear the bureaucratic hurdles to gain Nunes' re-entry into the United States, the couple traveled to Australia, Bali, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Out of this exile a book idea about marriage was born.
"I spent about 10 months trying to learn as much as I could possibly learn about this very frustrating, contradictory and ultimately interesting human habit," Gilbert said. "I was trying to wrap my mind around it or gain enough perspective to feel that I could gain a place within it that didn't feel coerced."
The couple finally got permission for Nunes to re-enter the United States in 2007, and they married that year. Gilbert started writing a book she tentatively called "Weddings and Evictions." In late 2007 Viking promoted it in the back of at least 200,000 copies of "Eat, Pray, Love," describing it as a memoir about Gilbert's "unexpected journey into second marriage" and promising publication in 2009.
When she finished a draft in May 2008, she took it to a copy shop to print out a first version. As soon as she began paging through it, she recoiled. "It was different from just the anxiety and insecurities that you feel when you're writing something," she said. "It was nondebatable." Without showing it to Paul Slovak, Viking's publisher and Gilbert's editor, she wrote asking for a deferral on her deadline. Slovak, although concerned that the follow-up to the blockbuster not take too long, gave her another year.
Gilbert said she never could read the first draft in its entirety. She identified the problem as a clash of two voices: one "an 'Eat, Pray, Love' hangover" — the chatty, witty tone that earned Gilbert her good reviews and loyal fans — and the other "more sober and considered and confident and mature."
After taking six months off, Gilbert decided she could write again, this time in what she believed was a more authentic voice. "I was scared that all the people who loved 'Eat, Pray, Love' might not want to read that new voice," she said. "But I knew that if I didn't do it that way, it would just be a lousy book."
A year after completely scrapping a 500-page follow-up to "Eat, Pray, Love," Elizabeth Gilbert's mega-best-selling spiritual travelogue, she has delivered a new book that Viking will publish in January.
Titled "Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage," the book is a memoir of a tumultuous year that came 18 months after "Eat, Pray, Love" leaves off, as well as a meditation on wedlock.
Gilbert, 40, said the book, which recounts how she came to marry the Brazilian-born Australian lover she met in Indonesia in "Eat, Pray, Love," was not just a straightforward memoir of what happened and how she felt about it.
In exploring her deep ambivalence about marriage — having vowed never to remarry after the painful divorce that triggered the wanderings chronicled in "Eat, Pray, Love" — she read historical and sociological studies. She also interviewed family members and friends, and talked to people whom she and Jose Nunes (then her companion, called Felipe in the book), met during 10 months in Southeast Asia. In "Committed" she weaves her reflections on this material into her own experiences.
"It is and isn't a sequel," Gilbert said in a telephone interview from near their home in Frenchtown, N.J. "It's the same two characters, but it's a very different setting and emotional backdrop. The second book has more of an academic contemplation and more of my family in it."
Given the phenomenal paperback success of "Eat, Pray, Love" — it spent 57 weeks at the No. 1 spot on the New York Times paperback nonfiction best-seller list and has remained on the list — the new title will be watched closely by fans and publishing insiders to see if Gilbert has lasting power.
Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), which published "Eat, Pray, Love" in 2006, is announcing a first print run for "Committed" of 1 million copies in hardcover. (Although such numbers are known to be widely exaggerated, they indicate the publisher's ambitions.) According to Nielsen BookScan, which tracks about 70 percent of sales, "Eat, Pray, Love" sold nearly 4 million copies in paperback.
When Gilbert signed a two-book deal in 2006 with Viking for a novel and another work of nonfiction, "Eat, Pray, Love" had just been published in hardcover to mostly good reviews, but it had not yet achieved its remarkable sales record. Gilbert thought she wanted to write a novel about the Amazon and had a more amorphous idea for a nonfiction book about creativity.
But in May of that year, Gilbert said, Nunes was detained in Dallas as the couple were returning from a trip to France. After hours of questioning, immigration officials told the couple that the simplest way for Nunes to be allowed back into the country was for them to marry.
With divorce behind them both, neither wanted marriage. But they did want to build a life in the United States. Nunes had already established a business importing gemstones and jewelry to the United States, and Gilbert said she wanted to have a home base near her American family. As they waited to clear the bureaucratic hurdles to gain Nunes' re-entry into the United States, the couple traveled to Australia, Bali, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Out of this exile a book idea about marriage was born.
"I spent about 10 months trying to learn as much as I could possibly learn about this very frustrating, contradictory and ultimately interesting human habit," Gilbert said. "I was trying to wrap my mind around it or gain enough perspective to feel that I could gain a place within it that didn't feel coerced."
The couple finally got permission for Nunes to re-enter the United States in 2007, and they married that year. Gilbert started writing a book she tentatively called "Weddings and Evictions." In late 2007 Viking promoted it in the back of at least 200,000 copies of "Eat, Pray, Love," describing it as a memoir about Gilbert's "unexpected journey into second marriage" and promising publication in 2009.
When she finished a draft in May 2008, she took it to a copy shop to print out a first version. As soon as she began paging through it, she recoiled. "It was different from just the anxiety and insecurities that you feel when you're writing something," she said. "It was nondebatable." Without showing it to Paul Slovak, Viking's publisher and Gilbert's editor, she wrote asking for a deferral on her deadline. Slovak, although concerned that the follow-up to the blockbuster not take too long, gave her another year.
Gilbert said she never could read the first draft in its entirety. She identified the problem as a clash of two voices: one "an 'Eat, Pray, Love' hangover" — the chatty, witty tone that earned Gilbert her good reviews and loyal fans — and the other "more sober and considered and confident and mature."
After taking six months off, Gilbert decided she could write again, this time in what she believed was a more authentic voice. "I was scared that all the people who loved 'Eat, Pray, Love' might not want to read that new voice," she said. "But I knew that if I didn't do it that way, it would just be a lousy book."
a peek into my hubby's head
zane has been looking for his long-lost africa journal for a long time now & mama cindy found it & surprised us by bringing it with her. it's simple. to the point. & absolutely the most thrilling thing to see zane's thoughts on paper from 5-years-ago during his once in a lifetime african experience.
me an' maida: last year
we went downtown flagler on monday night & played locals. which in this scenario means that we got some fish tacos & ate them outside on sticky salty wooden benches decorated with cholula sauce bottles. & then went across the street to the new ice-cream shoppe in towne that i heard about from my yoga class & zane ordered a mango italian ice & i got a ($0.35!) homemade cupcake. & we took them down to the beach to devour. & then i waded knee-deep in the water which was shockingly warm- as the color of the ocean has been that dark blue that makes it look cold & uninviting ever since we got back. & then we lollygagged around downtown & ran into... maida. which was such a coincidence. i had just seen "the Bill's" (father/son who have a sunday ritual of coming into the restaurant & eating brunch)the day before & since i never work sundays anymore they asked if i had seen maida lately, which i hadn't seen her since last november at our class up at the community college. anyway she was riding her bike across the street & i said... "maida? is that you?" & she braked hard. & we hugged really tightly. & it felt so good. we chatted for a few minutes cathing up on the past year & all our life changes, etc. she has this inner fire that makes her just glow & she lifts everyone around her up a few notches & i just adore her.
i hadn't realized i had been sub-consciously looking for that "aha" moment where i finally feel settled & content to be back in florida. or at least where my longings to be in washington still surrounded by "our people" don't overshadow the good feelings of being where we belong right now. but this night, that was actually just supposed to be the remedy i needed after being cooped up in the apartment alone all day cleaning, actually made me realize that i was indeed looking for that defining moment. & this made it feel like we were getting a lot closer to finding it. so i'm thankful.
i hadn't realized i had been sub-consciously looking for that "aha" moment where i finally feel settled & content to be back in florida. or at least where my longings to be in washington still surrounded by "our people" don't overshadow the good feelings of being where we belong right now. but this night, that was actually just supposed to be the remedy i needed after being cooped up in the apartment alone all day cleaning, actually made me realize that i was indeed looking for that defining moment. & this made it feel like we were getting a lot closer to finding it. so i'm thankful.
you make me smile!
ash- for saying "germiest" on my blog & for calling me when i needed you to (espn!) & for being at starbucks at the same time as me unplanned, lol
malia- for saying "cool beans." we must have the same parents or something.... don't be a cold booger.
malia- for saying "cool beans." we must have the same parents or something.... don't be a cold booger.
really? already?!
my heart dropped on wednesday when i walked into the store to see Zane & saw an entire display of Halloween stuff already. it caught me off guard. when Zane followed my gaze he took my hand & walked me over to the display. i suppose he knows me well enough to know that it's better to just face up to it- the sooner, the better. i gotta say tho- it kinda feels like re-learning my ABC's every single year or something along those lines. it's like: "ok, this is a life-size witch: she cackles & stirs a bubbling brew with a broom that reacts to motion when someone walks by; some people like to put it by their front door & scare little children. and these are strobe string-lights that also has a motion-sensitive evil "mua-ha-ha" laugh that it repeats over & over. and this is hanging skeleton that flaps around in the wind. & you'll be seeing a lot of similar items in the next 60-odd days & they will remind you of your son." and of course i know what all these things are, but it kinda feels like talking myself thru it like i've never seen these things before somehow helps me prepare myself for the next two months of painful reminders of things i'm so good at pushing away the other 10-months of the year. that's not to say that i don't think about my son, of course i do, but it's easier when it's on my own terms instead of pumpkins & black cats flooding memories of labor & being pregnant & spending precious time with my baby. who by the way so isn't a baby anymore. he's FOUR! i mean he could technically start kindergarten next year; how is that even possible!?
disclaimer: i didn't write this post to solicite comments or even sympathy. i mean at all. Landon & i started this journey 5-years ago, that's plenty long enough to know that me talking about it makes most people uncomfortable & that's ok, i've already come to terms with that. but this is a prime example of the reason behind me having this blog in the first place. i love to share my life with those who are interested, but i don't have a blog for that reason alone. first & foremost i keep a blog for myself, to keep track of all the things going on in my life & this is very much apart of it.
disclaimer: i didn't write this post to solicite comments or even sympathy. i mean at all. Landon & i started this journey 5-years ago, that's plenty long enough to know that me talking about it makes most people uncomfortable & that's ok, i've already come to terms with that. but this is a prime example of the reason behind me having this blog in the first place. i love to share my life with those who are interested, but i don't have a blog for that reason alone. first & foremost i keep a blog for myself, to keep track of all the things going on in my life & this is very much apart of it.
singin the homesick blues
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."
-Chief Seattle
that quote along with a clip about a 7-foot-tall 12-year-0ld from Ellensburg were discovered in the Palm Coast edition of our Coffee News! that Zane & i read every thursday. add landing in Jacksonville & being greeted with a more overcast sky then in any of our 10-days in Washington & i thought i was thrilled. but in my frustration a few days later... think throwing open all the curtains in the apartment to let in as much light as possible - yanking out all of the wall fragrances - & glaring disgustedly at all of our dark furniture... a few explanations came to mind. maybe a). boredom (i am unemployed after all) b). Miami & all it's light & color could still be swimming thru my veins... but then it kinda hit me like a ton of bricks: i. am. homesick. it explained why i had been dreading calling Ash- making that first phone call solidified that we were here & a few thousand miles from home. it explained my extreme disappointment when Mama Cindy called to say she'd be arriving a few days later then originally expected. it explains why i couldn't make myself take off my chunky knit sweater that i'd worn in Seattle in spite of the 90+ degree temperature reading & feeling an absolute need to go to Starbucks. all the smells in my house were reminding me of our house pre-Washington, feeling like it was just yesterday that we were anticipating our trip home & we're back already. i'm super sensitive to smells- & anything that reminds me of something sad pretty much gets kicked to the curb. even last night, i needed to get out of the house so we decided to get some late-night apps at The Fisherman's Net & i happen to look up & see that we're sitting below a Washington state license plate. it was such an exasperating feeling. i feel like it gets harder & harder to leave every year. this year more then ever felt like every turn was a reminder of how much Washington fits us like a glove & how out of place we really are in Florida. even little things like after 2.5 years when i look outside & see grey skies my brain still translates that it's necessary to put on a sweater. & the heat wave that i'm met with walking out the front door still has a way of surprising me. how do you switch 17-years of what grey means? i felt so validated when we were in Miami & the sky turned grey for a bit & Jess said: "wow, it looks cold out there." it was such a "yes! i'm not crazy!" moment.
all the same we both feel like we aren't done with Florida yet. our peace here still trumps any feelings of homesickness. so right now i'm choosing to focus on how much fun it's going to be to introduce Mama Cindy to Florida & be reminded of the things that we have grown to love about this place & the things that have shaped this place into the beautiful & life-altering experience it has been for us.
and today, when the rain came, i put on my rain boots & armed myself with my new bright-yellow umbrella & just stood under the falling rain & simply breathed for awhile.
-Chief Seattle
that quote along with a clip about a 7-foot-tall 12-year-0ld from Ellensburg were discovered in the Palm Coast edition of our Coffee News! that Zane & i read every thursday. add landing in Jacksonville & being greeted with a more overcast sky then in any of our 10-days in Washington & i thought i was thrilled. but in my frustration a few days later... think throwing open all the curtains in the apartment to let in as much light as possible - yanking out all of the wall fragrances - & glaring disgustedly at all of our dark furniture... a few explanations came to mind. maybe a). boredom (i am unemployed after all) b). Miami & all it's light & color could still be swimming thru my veins... but then it kinda hit me like a ton of bricks: i. am. homesick. it explained why i had been dreading calling Ash- making that first phone call solidified that we were here & a few thousand miles from home. it explained my extreme disappointment when Mama Cindy called to say she'd be arriving a few days later then originally expected. it explains why i couldn't make myself take off my chunky knit sweater that i'd worn in Seattle in spite of the 90+ degree temperature reading & feeling an absolute need to go to Starbucks. all the smells in my house were reminding me of our house pre-Washington, feeling like it was just yesterday that we were anticipating our trip home & we're back already. i'm super sensitive to smells- & anything that reminds me of something sad pretty much gets kicked to the curb. even last night, i needed to get out of the house so we decided to get some late-night apps at The Fisherman's Net & i happen to look up & see that we're sitting below a Washington state license plate. it was such an exasperating feeling. i feel like it gets harder & harder to leave every year. this year more then ever felt like every turn was a reminder of how much Washington fits us like a glove & how out of place we really are in Florida. even little things like after 2.5 years when i look outside & see grey skies my brain still translates that it's necessary to put on a sweater. & the heat wave that i'm met with walking out the front door still has a way of surprising me. how do you switch 17-years of what grey means? i felt so validated when we were in Miami & the sky turned grey for a bit & Jess said: "wow, it looks cold out there." it was such a "yes! i'm not crazy!" moment.
all the same we both feel like we aren't done with Florida yet. our peace here still trumps any feelings of homesickness. so right now i'm choosing to focus on how much fun it's going to be to introduce Mama Cindy to Florida & be reminded of the things that we have grown to love about this place & the things that have shaped this place into the beautiful & life-altering experience it has been for us.
and today, when the rain came, i put on my rain boots & armed myself with my new bright-yellow umbrella & just stood under the falling rain & simply breathed for awhile.
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