
last monday

Two things I never thought would cross paths: yoga & my love for Taylor Swift.  but the day after this year's scandalous VMA's, they found a way.  I woke up & found the news, it was front & center on my homepage- anything with Taylor Swift is going to catch my eye.  so i decided to wear my Taylor shirt to yoga to show my support, thinking the granny's who i do yoga with on monday morning wouldn't be "hip" enough to even care who Taylor was, let alone the MTV music video awards.  but my t-shirt turned out to be quite the conversation piece, and there i was talking like i'd seen the whole thing unfold in person, instead of like 10-minutes ago on youtube, all eyes & ears were on me - i'm silently cracking up - oh so amused that i have discovered that i do yoga with hip grannies - loving every moment that i get to defend Taylor. aw, it was good moment. 

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