
ikea, etc.

mama cindy had never been to ikea so i suggested that we stop by since we were going to be in orlando anyway dropping off zoe at the airport.  she was impressed!  she got some fun stuff for her new room, and i love the touches she has made to make it her own.  my major purchase were these fun pillow covers & the laptop (etc) table.  & mom: this is me interview-ready, just for you. 
the interview went a-ok, but i don't have anything to report yet.  we'll see what plays out=)
now z & i are off to yoga- we're going to walk tonight- to enjoy the cooler evenings we've been having & catch up on our days!  it's gonna feel good. 


  1. Ohhh chickie, you look so darn cute! =) Hope your interview went well...sorry I didn't get on here in time to wish you good luck! =) I'm sure you did great!! Let us know the update when you have one! Happy you introduced Mom to IKEA....I simply love that place..we are headed there tomorrow! =) Happy my cat made it into your house...he was just too cool & nerdy not to send! =) Love ya

  2. O.k. I love the pillows, Anna...they look just like you...I really do like them a lot. And, I love the picture of you to. It's very cute and classy. Not too dressy, but very nice for an interview...."not to hot, not too cold...........JUST RIGHT =D"

  3. Doncha just love that store!! I have a list of stuff I want to get from there right now... Gotta save up though! Lookin' good, by the way! :) I'll give you a call soon! Can't say when cause things happen! :)
