
operation: terminate zombie

is in effect! this whole no-job/no-schedule thing is getting out of hand. i didn't wake up until 1:30pm, friday afternoon (o.m.g. - i haven't done that since i was 2 - ask my mother! she thought i was dead.) & then to make things worse, i realized i didn't even have any motivation to get out of bed even after the startling realization of how late it was.  zane kept coming home & he'd find me in the same clothes that he'd seen me in when he left that morning.  me bawling because nothing sounds appealing to me. nothing. suggestions to take a walk, or go shopping or eat somewhere, or to play a game just seem absurd & like they would take just as much effort as it would to complete a marathon. i have certain tendencies when i'm not busy.  i know this about myself. why did i think this would be an exception? these tendencies are g.e.n.e.t.i.c. - & a long stetch of "good days" doesn't make you immune from future stretches of "bad days." panic sets in as i reflect back on the last stretch of "bad days" in december of last year.  when you finally escape the feeling of walking around in a fog, it feels like you have been given a new leash on life, and that somehow you have finally found "the key" to good days and bad days will never have power over you again.  and then they find a way to creep in, and suddenly you realize that you're in the middle of a battlefield in your mind.  a place you vowed to never be in ever again.
so i desperately needed this week to be different or i was going to drive myself crazy i mean this quite literally.  & it was an honest effort. i was out of bed by 9 - three loads of laundry completed - an overdue trip to the post office to drop off mail - and an hour & a half yoga session all before 2pm.  i haven't done yoga in a month so it's going to take some time to get back into it, but i already love the thoughts that are re-entering my conscious mind.  & sometimes it was just the simple reminder to "not think" for a little while that helped make me feel a little calmer and a little less anxious today.  the struggle to be in the moment; not the moment that is in front of me, or the one that is behind me, but the one i'm in right now.  i need these reminders. desperately. 
i failed in the food department.  sugar-free red bull was breakfast. and lunch.  this zero motivation thing kicks my appetite to the curb.  NOTHING sounds good. & tho you would think this would be something to celebrate, the pounding headaches that accompany the no-eating thing just don't work for me.  i struggled thru a bowl of Oh's, like my favorite cereal ever, and it felt like torture. (think: stomach flopping & my taste buds declaring war on me so nothing tastes wondeful)  food + me just aren't friends right now. 
the afternoon was filled with interesting conversation with mama cindy & aunt zoe in my living room.  i do much better with people around me.  & zoe got a new straightner so i made my hair pretty.  pretty hair = temporary superficial happiness.
zane came home & we visited gladys & i had to stop & think wow: talk about someone who has mastered the whole alone/no job/no-schedule/quiet house-staring at the same 4-walls (for YEARS!)/boredom thing.  being 91-years-old & out-living most of your circle of family & friends, being house-bound & having a deep desire to not spend her last days in a nursing home kind of solidifies that kind of reality. & she is still thankful. and sane.  so what's my problem?  cheese & rice. anyway point being. the program is underway & i'm just putting one foot in front of the other.  & i'm going to work this out until a job opens up for me & i'll bow down to it until i start to miss my "boring torturous quiet" days again.


  1. Well keep in mind that you had motivation to write that long satisfying post. I'm seriously lacking the motivation to write anything about anything right now. I know how you feel though. It's a horrible feeling. I feel that way about music right now. Isn't that weird? I don't have the will to listen to anything and can barely even listen to any songs let alone sing with them. It's horrible. Anyway cheer up it sounds like you've gotten a hold on it. I believe in you! I'm entering the jobless job search in a week too so I'll sympathize!

  2. Tried to call you today...but that's a GOOD sign (I think) that you didn't answer your phone because you were out and BUSY and not just sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring or the doorbell to ring or.... So, I hope you just stay on top of things and not be too depressed about how things are right now...just have faith and hope and I know things will work out for GOOD.

  3. Ah. Know the feeling.. hate how nonmotivation is like a cloud and when it sits over you, no matter how much you see it and glare at it to go away it still seems to hang out to mock you for awhile. AGH. anyway. Luckily every cloud has a silver lining and somewhere along the way they disapate.. (Theres a song by lady antebellum: One day you will-you should check it out.)Until then..I am right there with you babe. Love you a million red m&ms

  4. Oh and I so had to laugh when you said... "so what's my problem? cheese & rice." There's a line from a book by my fav author: "Fine, don't call it a quest. Call it chicken salad. I don't care."
