
Another non-update

~the realtor + zane~

“No news is good news.” A popular saying, but I’m thinking more and more that it’s just something that people who aren’t hearing any news repeat to themselves to feel better.

Eighteen days ago we were given documents that our realtor told us had to be signed before I left for Washington State. So we met up late that Saturday night in a deserted parking lot over the toll bridge. It felt like a dirty drug transaction meeting like that car window to car window, swapping so-called “documents.”

They were two affidavits that basically stated that we promised not to turn around and sell this house to someone else to make a profit. Sun Trust is going to get there cut or else! But that’s okay because I’m really not much into making a profit, and I am very much into making this house ours.

Anyway we did all that. Including the part where we had to get them notarized, even tho we received the documents less than 24-hours before I had to fly across the country, and it wasn’t a weekday where people do notary-business-type things.

Luckily we know somebody (who knows somebody… just kidding) that would be okay with not witnessing my signature. I guess I just admitted to illegal activity on the internet, but I’m pretty sure this falls into the same illegal category as jay-walking, or not coming to a full and complete stop when nobody is looking at four-way stops.

After a l l that though we’re officially on our fifteenth day of silence, which is so very typical. But we’ll play that game as long as we eventually get our house. 2011 would be nice tho, and more towards the beginning would be ideal… just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Soooooooooooooooo annoying when you "hurry up to wait"....and that is just so typical....Today, I had a 9 am doctor appointment...well we got the most ferious storm we've ever seen here...it was awesome and amazing that I'll be posting pictures about...but anyway, all the washes were FULL and I wasn't about to get swept down one of them to my death just to hurry up and make it to my doctor appointment on time, so I WAITED for the storm to subside just a little and picked my way through town, trying to avoid any washes which is a tremendous feat...and got there 35 minutes late....just to get there to hurry up and WAIT for another 35 minutes or more!!!!
