
Happy Fall!!!

The end of September arrived & it still felt unbearably hot, so I decided to get festive inside!  Not sure yet what i'm going to do with purple tights buuuut they were annoying me at Banana. They were our last pair (from LAST fall) & they were priceless/sizeless & tagless... so i asked my boss what it would take to get rid of them & she said $2 so now i have purple tights...


  1. I never used to love fall... the whole going back to school not to mention the end of summer thing, but now I LOVE it!! I like the change it brings and I love decorating for it! Halloween/Thanksgiving= so much fun! I love your banner thingy and of course the tights! I used to have a pair of purple tights that I wore with an orange skirt around this time of year and I loved them... They got a run in them so I had to throw them out. :( Oh yeah, and I LOVE your chalkboard paint! I just bought several cans (spray version) for a couple of projects I've been wanting to do!

  2. Ha ha...Anna, you never saw me wear wildly colored tights, but when I was a teenager, I used to wear every color you could think of and I loved them, seriously!!! Purple, Red, Orange, Green,yellow whatever matched my outfit...so now you know where you got your love for such things!!! ha ha
