
Thinking of you

I spotted the I-4 doppler radar from the sky & looked for our car, but my eyes couldn't find you.  I bet you were already further East.  It says we are going 438 mph so i bet i could catch you, but we're going the wrong way.  This makes my heart sad.  I think about what kinds of things we would say to each other if my plane goes down and i got to call you.  But that got a little heavy so i decided to look in my purse to distract myself from my hunger.  We left ourselves thismuch time to get from the last meeting to the airport, so when i finally got to my gate half of the plane was already on board.  Basically what i'm trying to say is that when i looked in my purse i have never been so excited to see a protein bar- the one my wannabe-nutritional-self packed inspite of my realistic-self saying, "like you're ever going to eat those." but this time i did! 

The flight attendent asked me if i accepted my responsibilities in regards to sitting in a exit row.  I silently nodded my head yes.  Then he said really loud, "do. you. speak. english?" Wow. Enter all eyes on me.  I wanted to say, "heck yes! i chose this seat so i could have first-class leg room. duh." But instead I just said, "YES" in my most English-sounding speaking voice.  I think you would've thought it was funny.  I thought it was funny, but it seemed inappropriate to laugh at my own expense by myself.

When we landed in Salt Lake City I heard the people behind me say to their little girl: "time to wake up honey so we can go home & go to bed."  I wanted them to be talking to me.

Finally, I landed in Seattle & all is well.  Great actually.  Ash & I are going downtown today.  Enough said. 


  1. Hope you're having a fantastic time. Thinking of you. Your week is just flying by. Thats funny about the flight attendant asking if you speak English...did you ask him if you looked Spanish??? You should of answered him "no comprehend" with a puzzled look on your face and see what he would do! Certainly he would NOT of been amused! ;-)

  2. airline/airport affiliated people don't tend to have a sense of humor so i restrained. + i thought of it too late. =-)

  3. ha ha...glad you stole the weather thingy too...I thought it was a great idea. As you saw, we have it hot a.g.a.i.n today...your weather looks perfect. Martine said it was 26 there this morning and freezing! But she was flying down to Shana's for a few days where it is nice and warm! How does it feel to be back at work and in the "grind"....awwwwwww :-)
