
Gramma & Me

We shopped for ingredients to make popcorn cake & then Gramma treated me to Starbucks which we enjoyed outside.  Then I popped corn the old-skool way on the stove with Granpda's nifty homemade popper.  (So cool!) Grandpa napped all day because he is still recovering from back surgery, so this was 'his spot' most of the day.  It was so good to just relax & live a life in the day of my grandparents. 


  1. Cute picture of you and gramma, and you got the popcorn cake on film! ha ha Looks like it turned out great, and you got gramma and grandpa both in "action"...grandpa in his chair and gramma at the grocery store. None of Jane or Rick or of his new place?

  2. not all my pix are up yet- i didn't snag a picture of jane & rick no- no particular reason why, just didn't. i do have one of ricks house & the surrounding area. coming soon!
