
the car

this is not as exciting for you as it is for me. and i realize that having two cars is a luxury. but when you have a 30-minute commute and opposite schedules & one car... well it gets interesting. so two cars it is. & it was probably one of the more stressful events that i ever had been apart of. even with jerome the salesman. if i have to invest 8-hours of my time at a dealership, i'm glad it was with jerome. he definitely improved the experience with his stories & humor. anyway long story short. we almost signed for a brand new car. got the above fortune at dinner after the first night. crunched numbers. slept on it. decided we didn't feel comfortable with the numbers. i sent zane back for round 2 while i recovered. he brought home the same car- except it's 4-years year older. didn't love it. didn't hate it. liked the price tag better. told zane i trusted his judgement. sold. and now... i LOVE it! the car has grown on me so much. & i'm so grateful! & i'm so proud of my husband for his good credit & ability to 'wheel & deal.' & i never never want to do this again. at least not for a long long time.


  1. Anna, I totally agree with you...I HATE car shopping...the back and forth...come on I just want the lowest possible number without wasting days in the process, right???

    I can't tell by the picture what kind of car you got??? But it looks very nice!!!

    Congratulations!!! Glad the commuting will be much easier, now...

  2. Ohhhh chick, I'm so happy for you two! I wrote you this really really long e-mail about 'reasons why NOT to buy new' and then it got deleted and I haven't had time to write again since..! But sooooo happy you two settled on a 'used' car....I'll fill you in later on my reasons! Happy EVEN MORE THOUGH that you have 2 cars now!!! =) YEAHHHHHH! =) Never would have guessed that Roo got some of that 'wheel & deal' from his father huh?!?! =) have the best day.....we must catch up soon! =)

  3. So glad the headache has passed and you have a car with less of a dent on your pocketbook! good for you guys for sitting on it, sometimes that's hard when it seems easier to just be done with it.

  4. Anna...you sound like your old "ma" not liking to wheel and deal...I just hate it so much. Dad doesn't like it either but he's willing to do it...I just want to bury my head and say "come get me when it's all done"....I'm so happy for you that you guys got the car...I hope you're as happy with it as we are of our Chevy Cobalt...it's been a great car for us. I'm just glad you were able to get financing and not having to finance too much, etc. etc. Sounds like you had a nice salesman, but I personally don't care for car salesmen for the most part...I can't stick them all in the same pot but most of them belong there! Love you, mama

  5. So what exactly is it?? I can't tell from the picture, but it sure looks nice! How fun to have a new to you car! So is it yours or Zane's to drive? :)
