
walking backwards

written on this wall: "will the last person out of the tunnel please turn off the light"

friday found us in downtown st. augustine again- this time during the light of day. it had been many many months since zane & i have gone up there, and i can't say why. there is a certain undeniable energy i get from this place. it's definitely touristy- but it still manifests authentic pieces of charm & history intermingled that is bewitching to me. any place where ghost & pirate stories dominate the town is cool with me.


  1. Wow the place looks so alive through your camera lens. Now I totally want to go to that Coffee shop and that town again!! Is it possible to crave a memory..? That sounds weird, but seriously, these pictures make me crave that day that we all went there. Such good times. Agh I miss you!
