

Ok- somebody help me please!=) I keep getting 'friend requests' from people I know saying they've added me as a friend- BUT... I DON'T HAVE FACEBOOK! Does somebody see me somewhere that I don't know that I am????!

Update: Still confused a little because it all happened in these past few days... like 5 seperate people today and yesterday, including uncle Steve in S. Africa...??? And it's not like some emails i've received where it says "come check out my facebook page" it specifically says they've already added me as a friend on their page... so how do they add me, when i don't exist? Anyway I refuse to get facebook until we have a computer at home Malia!=)


  1. I just looked for you and didn't see you...=) I'm assuming it's people from facebook who are asking you to join facebook pretty much...there is this thing where people can send you an e-mail asking you to join and other people can friend request you ahead of time for when you do join...that probably sounds kind of confusing, however there is a solution to your problem: you should just get one! =)

  2. That sucks you are getting spammed by facebook. I think a person can try to add you and then if you don't have facebook it 'invites' you instead. Then, either other people can see that a person "added you" with or without facebook, they know you and they add you. Its like a chain effect, once one person adds you everyone else tries to do so as well. It is a great way to find people you know that have facebook but you didnt know they did... its also a great way for people who Don't have facebook to get spammed because to the rest of the people who added you (besides the first person) it looks like you DO have facebook. Clear as mud? I figured. Love.

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