

"I have never been in a natural place and felt that was a waste of time. I never have. And it's a relief. If i'm walking around a desert or whatever, every second is worthwhile." -Viggo Mortenson The cutest shrek ever!
The most beautiful place i've ever played frisbee by far...
On top of the dry falls- i hate how pix don't show how high you really are- because this freaked me out, and it doesn't really look like much!!=)

Glad I wasn't leading...

Dad took us to his 2nd retirement home
Can't complain about the views from the humble abode

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I'll let you in on my little fear...everytime we go ABOVE the falls...I get real nervous, and I've been up there so many times, but that fear never does leave me and when we went up that day I knew you'd be "freaking out"...but the guys go up it like it's a mole-hill!!!

    Also, the pix of Derek & Natalie with their helmets on and they're "kissing"....Natalie wrote on that picture on FACEBOOK "I know I'm really smiling BIG in this picture"...of course you can't even see her face...but I'm sure she is!!!!
