
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?!

We were gifted front row tickets to watch a local play production of The Sound of Music. Derek & the Twinsies weren't too thrilled with the idea, but I have a feeling that Uncle Max & the 3rd place yodel winner might have made it worthwhile! I personally love my memories... and belting out random songs from it too.


  1. I LOVE "The Sound of Music" Looks like fun to me... But then again I would pretty much go to any musical/play production!

  2. Guess who I saw at Rue 21 yesterday?????? MARIA....I wanted to go up to her and say HI and tell her what a great job she did playing Maria....OR, better yet to start singing to her--"What do we do with a problem like Maria?".............Oh, can you just imagine me belting that out at Rue 21????? I couldn't keep my eyes off her and she was completely content shopping away with her a couple of her friends as any high schooler might. She looked NO different...just that she was wearing a sweater and slacks....BUT, I decided to not bug her...as she is probably ready to be done with "The Sound of Music" for awhile...........
