
El Lunes with my Lover

my lucha key: i'm obsessed!
zane wanted yet another popsicle so an early afternoon found us in st. augustine yet again, for like the 4th-trip in a week. he is obsessed. he even concocts ideas in his head & writes them down to share with the owner next time he goes.  he is already busting-at-the-seams-excited for holiday flavors.  i got yummy horchata & zane tried rosemary apple. both total winners.  we left mid-rain storm so i got to wear my rainboots.  the size-two-in-kids-ones.  i lasted about a half hour & then my heel started protesting hardcore (& that was just the car ride). so i suppose i'll have to find a little girl who can fit into them better.  then my man ended the night perfectly by accompaning me to Eat Pray Love.  more on that later.


  1. love your little key! =) Too cute!! You're sure to never misplace your house keys now =) ... not that any of us ever do that .. hee hee! Enjoy St. Augustine -- lucky ducks! I love it there!!

  2. Oh so adorable rain boots! Too bad they didn't work out! You and Nicole have such teeny tiny feet you can even attempt to wear little kid shoes!! :)

  3. Cute, cute...glad you added some more pictures...your "countdown" to the Keys is making me anxious..I'm so excited you get to go and have a break! That key is cute, but love the boots...too bad they make your feet rebel...guess you'll have to save them for a little girl! Or send them to Chloe! ;-) Those popsicles sound so very intriguing!!!! You've got my curiosity up!

  4. that's a good idea mom- shana- if you read this again, would chloe wear these??
