
Some pix

Pictures of pictures & pictures to go with words from yesterdays post! These are the pirate poses we got when we got dressed up =)  See a fuzzy photo of the belt Zane gave me & Miss Thang trying to sneak licks off my leftover syrup from my waffle.  Oh & this morning I walk out of my room to see that she is on top of our counter (!) I feel like I have a two-year old.  Funny to think she is like 60-something in people years...

1 comment:

  1. So these are the "REAL" dress-up pictures of you two being pirates. Didn't know if you really really did dress up as pirates or just wore pirate t-shirts. Glad the pirates thing was only a day...I like your "other" look better...ha ha. Glad you had fun though for your anniversary! Also, love the belt and sweater thing...its C.U.T.E. That rascally little Miss June Bug. Up on the counter...ugh. How did she get up there? Mr. Snoofer Doofer aka. Big Jack is big enough to stick his big head up and nose around the counter so have to be watching him all the time! (not my style.) ha ha
