
Man on Wire

We watched this last night.
I can't quit talking about at work. 
The footage is breathtakingingly beautiful. 
I cannot get over the vintage images of New York City... or Notre Dame... or stills in the french countryside of Mr. Petit practicing on his tightrope.
You should see this. 


  1. The computer just fritzed out so don't know if my last comment went through. I said that this looks a little intimidating and scary! Is it a true story? Is it out on DVD? I can ask Malia too because she sees all the stuff that comes through Hastings.

  2. it's not scary- i mean some shots make your stomach lurch a little cos you are looking a very long ways down. but i'll spoil the ending & tell you: he doesn't fall. it's a true story. yes on dvd.
