
My Cool Caravan

Ordered this awesome book last week.  Funny fun fact- i found this picture on google images & it has this other awesome book that my Mom got me for my birthday- the Big Book of Small, Cool Spaces.

My Cool Caravan is f u l l of amazing vintage-inspired campers.  I'm obsessed.  Like someday I want my kids to tell people about how this very book inspired their parents to design their awesome camper- the awesome camper that is in all their favorite family vacation memories.

p.s. it's thundering right now(!!!)  thanks weather, for perfecting this saturday afternoon.


  1. This is awesome Anna. If you want to see cool, vintage campers, trailers, etc. you need to talk to Ron & JoAnn's two daughters, Peggy and Connie...both are really, really into that and have (according to JoAnn) really cool vintage trailers that they have redone like majorly and are using them for summer fun. It would be fun to see them, but JoAnn has told me how cool they are and how "into" them they are!

  2. By the way...have you been to Greg and Peggy's (Ron & JoAnn's daughter?) Their house is really neat...it's newer but made to look like it's super old and tons of vintage stuff...like full (and it's a huge house...like 8 or 9 bedrooms and 7 or 8 bathrooms)...can't remember, but giant! You'd never know you're in a newer home...it's amazing and Peggy is like a major vintage shopper! And she'll hold out for a great deal too! ha ha

  3. Hehe. Love you and your vintage trailers :) Someday I hope you convince Z to get you one so you can live in it part time :)
