
thank you

thank you for all your positive feedback via comments, emails, text messages, phone calls, voice messages, etc. 

one of the things i'm working on right now is to not rely solely on getting my self worth from what other people say to me or about me, but with that being said... you are inspiring me to keep pushing forward, to keep trying, to keep processing & work this out. so thank you for that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Anna for catching me up on everything...you know how much I miss talking to you and how much I care about you, your health and getting better...but you are going in the right direction by acknowledging that you need help and then going after it, no matter what it takes...and sometimes we don't always make the right choices the first time in seeking help, sometimes we do, but it's in not giving up as you seek to get the help that you need. And I believe that you may have good days and then bad days...that is part of the process of getting better. It's like two steps forward and 3 back! But eventually, it's more steps forward than backward and you realize that you really are on the road to recovery. Just know I love you and I think of you all the time and I am always here if you ever feel like talking. Just don't give up...k and I love you.
